Monday, December 19, 2011

'What in the name of Joe Montana is going on in the NFL today?'

-Ryan Hossler, regarding Sunday's games. I enjoyed it :D
This week has been an annoyingly long week, it's good to finally be home again.
Monday was entirely consumed by Linear Algebra O.o I went to Wesley in the morning and studied until 6.30, when I left to take the exam. Relatively early on in the day, I was starting to freak out but a friend called me - he had said that he would sometime over the weekend to help me calm down, and felt like he should at that specific time time :] It was really nice though - Seth was there for most of the day and he helped me not to freak out too badly as the test got closer and closer :]
Tuesday I got up and went to brunch right before my Stat final. Which was a lot easier than I had anticipated - I finished in about 45 min. That was good though, because Kyle was having a Lord of the Rings marathon in the Wesley basement and I wanted to watch :] I was managing to study for a bit, then my back started hurting (I was sitting in a plastic chair - more comfortable than a folding chair, but not for the 11+ hours of the movies). So I switched to a more comfortable chair and it was game over. I didn't even get up to eat dinner - oops :] We finished the movies right at 9.15pm (they were started at 10.30am or so - it was the extended editions), just in time for Tuesday evening sommunion to start. Kyle, Julia and I were the last ones downstairs, waiting for the final fade to black. We wound up running up the stairs to join everyone else and had to sit in some chairs behind the circle :D
Wednesday was another brunch - this time at the Baptist Student Foundation - a bunch of those students are friends with Wesley people. Then it was time to study for my accounting exam - it was at 3.20 and I wasn't sure how it was going to go as I walked in. However, I felt more confident on more of the questions than I had expected, so that was nice :]
Neither Seth nor I had an exam the next day, so wht do you suppose we did that night? ;D Yay Skyrim :]
There was another Wesley brunch on Thursday. After, three of the four COM exec members were there so we had a mini meeting, just going over some general things.
That day, I decided to do nothing - not worry about the final the next day or the previous three, so I read and watched Skyrim all day :D It was a most excellent day - aside from the headache that developed. Yay for Target brand Aleve :D
Friday I got sucked into the 'I've got all this time to study, and I really don't want to... or need to...' mindset, so I mostly read that day as well. The exam was for Spanish, and I feel like I did pretty well. Unfortunately, it wasn't until 7 at night so I had all day to think about studying as I read my book.
One nice thing about college is all the crazy stuff that goes on :D In my macro class last year, Gumbi walked in during the middle of a lecture. People have had Darth Vader walk through lecytures without the professor realising. And, during my Spanish final, a gorilla chased a banana in the front of the lecture hall and out the back. It was hilarious :D
After the final, I went to the Robyne's house - they were having an open house of sorts for Wesley people. We were hanging for a while before having a White Elephant gift exchange. Julia, Matt and I didn't bring presents so we were a team :] The best present of the night was Jake's - it was the apple, mustard and mayonnaise in the lunch box from Exploration - back in mid November. I was sitting with Julia, and we were cracking up when someone opened it :D Then some people had to leave, so Seth, Dale, Matt and I played Hearts. And boy did I suck. I must have gooten the bloody Queen of Spades 7 of the first 10 rounds O.o Eventually, it started evening out, but not before I informed the three of them that we were no longer friends. They got nicer after that ;]
Saturday the sophomores had a spontaneous lunch gathering before everyone left. It was pretty nice :] We all dispersed around noon, so that's when I started my trek home.
And I got stuck in traffic again O.o This time it was at miles 215-222 (for perspective, I get on the interstate at mile 178). That was annoying, especially when the entire block of traffic seemed to suddenly start moving again. But I had my Christmas music playing and some peanut butter cookies from Colleen, so it wasn't too bad :D I made it home in pretty good time, and got to help my mom start the mass amounts of cookies that we make every Christmas :]
Today we got up relatively early to go to tea at the Drake Hotel downtown with Nicole and Mrs Cihock :D That was super fun, it's great to hang with the girls.
We got back in time to watch some football :] However, we also discovered that the league seemed to have rolled over and everyhing got shaken around. The Packers lost, the Colts won, and the Eagles are 'In the Hunt' for a playoff berth (by the way, they're 6-8). I wish I could've seen some of those games.
I had dinner with my family and then went with Nicole to Steven's house for a bit. That was fun, I got to see a bunch of people :D And we've made plans for the week: I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow, Mason's getting his taken out on Tuesday and Steven's having surgery on Thursday, so Wednesday night we're going to see the Muppet Movie (only Mason and I will be in a Vicadin-induced state) and then on Friday Steven, Mason and I are going to enjoy the company of other drugged-up friends :D It should be some fun times!
Well, I'm tired so I'm going to sleep. I don't know how often I'm going to update these next weeks - I go to St Louis on the 25th, then Colorado on the 30th and I get back to school on the 7th. So I guess that'll be when I write about Colorado and share stories.
So Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! See y'all in 2012 ;]
Till then,
-Carly B

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Happy Dead Week!

It's the most wonderful week of the year.
Heh, or not O.o
Monday was the beginning, and my day started off with seeing a desk in a tree on my way to my first class. That was fun :]
Tuesday I had my day at Wesley. And I discovered that, while it was nice to not have any homework or projects due this week, I got sucked into the 'I've got time' cycle. I said that I had plenty of time to study - finals didn't start until next week - only I said that until Thursday... Oops :]
At 8 that evening, I was elected vice president of COM while I was in Armstrong (across campus) at a meeting about rushing Kappa Kappa Psi - the band fraternity. Next semester's going to be a fun one O.o :] And multiplle people told me that they had talked about me too in the COM elections, apparently I have brown hair, play the violin, live in Aldersgate, and I'm nice :D
Wednesday morning I woke up to my phone calling my mom. I don't know how I managed to pull that one off - evidently I enjoy pushing buttons on my phone when I'm asleep. Then I was feeling nostalgic and decided to make a video - Beautiful Things. It's one of my favorite songs right now, and I was looking through scenery pictures. All the pictures in the video are taken by me (except, obviously, the one I'm in ;] ) and are from the Alaskan cruise or Great Britain. The unfortunate thing is, I now really want to go back...
I then spent 3 hours in Hicks - actually studying :O Crazy, huh? :] After getting back to the house, at 11, I watched some Phineas and Freb on netflix :D
Thursday I had a meeting with Erica, Shilpa and Heather - the new COM president, the previous VP and previous president respectively - to talk about Wesley and they (Shilpa and Heather) gave us (Erica and me) some pointers :] It was nice to get to hang with them.
We had our last house dinner and afterwards Seth, Payton, Catherine and I went ice skating with Dale and 3 of the Robynes. Catherine and I watched as the others skated, and that was super fun :] Payton was trying to spin, and I got some good video of him spinning and falling down :D
After the rink closed at 9, we all dispersed and the Aldersgate crew went home. I went downstairs and studied with Payton and Seth until Seth discovered - none of us got much studying done after that :]
I got Christmas cards for people, and I decided that Friday was a good day to distribute them. I put all the Aldersgate cards in people's mailboxes - so I can tell you who doesn't check their mailboxes every day :]
During the day, I was hanging at Wesley - reading, of course. Seth was there as well - still looking at - I had to bat away his hands to exit out so he would do something productive :] At about 3, I left and came back to A-gate to study for a little while before I went to Colleen's. We had dinner and watched Horrible Bosses (I'd seen ads for it all over London, and it was a pretty funny movie :] ).
I went to badminton (for the first time in about 3 months... O.o ) that night and managed to not actually bring my badminton stuff... So I had a nice bike workout instead :]
Seth was playing Skyrim, which is pretty much the story of my nights this week. I watched till 2, apparently he was up till 3.30.
Yesterday I got to sleep in - I woke up at 10.15 :D I also hunkered down - Michael was sittting at the kitchen table and I joined him with my Stat stuff and studied. Andrew joined us as well - we had fun :]
I only took a couple breaks during the day too :D I had to eat and return some books to the library. Then my dinner break expanded into a Skyrim and Starbucks break - Kyle was taking a walk and I joined :]
After Starbucks, I did get some more more studying done before the movie night.
Seth and I had been talking at one point, and we decided that the house should have a movie night to gather together once more before we all split for break. So, I got it set up and we filled the second floor common room watching the Muppet Christmas Carol :D It was really fun. And a few people had seen it before, but they learned last night that Michael Caine was Scrooge :]
After the movie, I had intended to study more, but that wasn't happening. Seth and Michael were thinking along the same lines, so we looked up old school cartoon videos on youtube :]
Then there was more Skyrim :] At 10.30, I said 'I'll just watch and read for about an hour or so'.
So at 3.30, we all went to bed. Seth was saying 'guys, why are we alll still up?' To which Kyle responded 'you play therefore we are.' Seth said 'But, you are, therefore I play.' So I decided 'ok, time to break this terrible cycle' :D
Today I woke up at 10.15 again. I think this is the latest I can sleep in. I went downstairs and Andrew and Michael were at the table again - the circle was back :D Seth even joined us later on. Today was Linear Algebra - as will tomorrow. The final is 7-9 tomorrow night.
I didn't take as many breaks today - my first real one (like not just to stretch or get water) was going to Wesley. And it was weird for me - I didn't have to be there early or do anything during the service or after, it was actually kinda nice. The dinner was delicious - West Point UMC, one of the sister churches for Wesley, made dinner for us. They had a vegetarian spinach lasagna - it was yummy :D
Back in Aldersgate, I finished up what I wanted to geth through in Linear Algebrafor the day :] And quickly developed an awesome tension headache O.o One way of alleviating the pain (I've gotten these before) is holding a cold hand (which my hands are usually cold, so that helps :] ) across my cheek, eye and forehead. Unfortunately, this leaves me with only one hand. Luckily I needed my left hand for my face, so I was still able to do the Linear Algebra work with my right. However, it's considerably harder to type one-handed, so I apologise now for whatever typos or unintelligible words there may be in this post :]
We were watching the Giants v. Cowboys game. Being an Eagles fan, I just wanted the stadium to explode :] Kyle requested that Eli would be allowed to get out first, I granted that :]
However, now Seth is back to Skyrim :D It's a wonderful study break tool :D
Tomorrow starts the finals. Here goes...
-Carly B

Sunday, December 4, 2011

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas....

It is too. On Tuesday we got our first snow of the season (it went away quickly). That was a weird day too - when I left the house, it was kinda raining a little. I wore my rainboots - mostly because I was wearing my new blue and white blink 182 shirt and my rainboots are blue and white :D - and I was really glad I did, seeing as how the weather went from fall (rain) to winter (snow) to spring (slush) in one day O.o It was kinda gross by 5 that afternoon.
On Wednesday, I got to take a break off campus since I needed to go to Target. I went there to get some Christmas presents and decorations for my room - lights, some ornaments, and a mini stocking for my door :] I didn't actually get to decorate that night because I had orchestra that evening and homework due the next day.
Then, that night we ('we' being Seth, Kyle and me) stayed up until about 2 again with Skyrim. It's such a cool game :D
Thursday I got to decorate!

My lights go across my windows and closet - and you can kinda see one of the ornaments at the end of the string - it's a red star (and it's in front of the Hogwarts acceptance letter that I got at the MOW dinner :] )

And my stocking for my door :D

Thursday was a great day - I spent it decorating my room, watching Disney movies and hanging with friends. It was fun :]
Friday I got to enjoy my lights - and a bunch of the guys on my floor were enjoying them too :] There were about 5 of us in the house, and all of us were doing homework. It was a crazy night ;] I got my Stat homework done, though, so that's pretty awesome :D
I spent quite a bit of my Saturday at the Long Center. We had a rehearsal at 10.30 in the morning, then the concert was at 8. In between, I went to see the PMO Christmas Show with Kimberly. That was really cool, Kyle was in it, as well as Ryan Hossler - another Wesley guy. It was a fun show - all the PMO groups (PMO=Purdue Musical Organizations, all the vocal groups) sang some cool songs, and the Varsity Glee Club (the one Kyle is in) sang a really cool version of Carol of the Bells.
Then it was time for orchestra once more. Our part of the concert went pretty well. Totentanz was really spiffy :] I wish I played piano. I stayed to hear Philharmonic play Mahler's 4th. They're really good.
Today, I got to sleep in - it was 9.30 when I woke up :D And I woke up to find that I'd somehow managed to take my bottom retainer out and put it in the bedside pocket thing where I keep my retainer cases in my sleep (only it wasn't actually in the case - I definitely scrubbed it pretty good...). I really have no idea how I pulled that one off. During the morning, I watched a movie and then it was time for the WOW dinner. Our theme was Grandma's House :D Most of the women were dressed as grandmas - I got to be the rebellious teenager in my red corset and black skirt and heels :D Shilpa and I played some Christmas carols - me reluctantly ;] - and Stephanie was setting me up with all the various 'grandsons' in the room, including the ones that have girlfriends already :] Then Erin somes up to me and says 'You used to be such a pretty girl.' I responded 'Gee, thanks Grandma.' :] It was super fun, plus I didn't have to get silver sprayed in my hair, so I don't have to wash it out :D
So now I'm watching football with Kyle, Ben and Jake. It's really nice not to be worried about the Stat homework that's due tomorrow :D
-Carly B
ps - I just looked over this post - it's short, it's been a rather laid back week.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

People seem to forget that when it's raining you need to drive slower, be more careful, but you can still drive like a normal human being.

It has been a most excellent week :D
Monday I did make it to orchestra in time, and the only thing I forgot was my coat (heh, oops :] ). The drive was great - the only time I took off cruise control for more than just to pass people was when I was getting off the highway in Hoffman Estates :D
Tuesday I got to hang with Nicole! We watched the Muppet Christmas Carol (I love that movie :] ) and made pumpkin spice cookies. That was fun :] Then I went to get information about having my wisdom teeth removed. I'm having the surgery on the 19th, fun start to my winter break :D After that appointment, I watched Muppet Christmas Carol again, this time with my mom (she loves that movie as well, and I didn't mind watching it again at all :] ).
Wednesday, I went to lunch with my mom :D It was fun to spend some time with just her. Then I got to go run errands. I picked up my race packet for the Turkey Trot and colorful bread and oreo turkeys from the bakery. The oreo turkeys were fun, and yummy :] That evening, my mom and I started getting the food ready for Thursday as we waited for the Bogdas to arrive from St Louis. They got in kinda late since Kristin had to drive from Oklahoma City first. But they got in fine, and it was good to see them again (I'd actually seen them the most recent of my family, since I went to St Louis a few weeks ago).
Thursday, most of us were up fairly early to finish the food stuffs. We were joined by Ed, one of my mom's coworkers. He was going to spend the day by himself, so my mom invited him over. We ate and watched football and played Buckets - it was super fun :] My mom has this Thanksgiving book where we put a group picture and everyone writes what they're thankful for each year. This year, I wrote that I was thankful for my 'friends, family, the life I've led and that IU sucks' :D
Then the women were planning out our Black Friday shopping. Kohl's had a really good sale on something Kristin wanted, so we went out there when they opened at midnight. It was me, my mom, Aunt Kelly, Kristin and McKayla.
And it was a madhouse there. There were so many people! But I got to see Hannah Worman, from my high school cross country team, so that was good :] And we got the hair straightener Kristin wanted, so we went home and slept before going out again to other places.
The crew for the main chunk of the shopping was Melissa, Aunt Kelly, McKayla, my mom and myself. We Got some good shopping done - Target was one of the ones that opened at midnight as well, so it wasn't too crazy when we were there at about 9. I got 2 cds, a dvd, and sheets for myself, and discovered that pretty much everything I wanted to get for people as Christmas presents were out for the day, so that was a good trip for me :] Then, at Hot Topic, I got a blink 182 shirt for myself - so much for shopping for presents ;]
We continued our tradition of going to Cheesecake Factory for lunch and getting the peppermint bark cheesecake - it's so yummy! And so sad that it's only available during Christmastime. A friend asked me if we were done shopping around that time, I told him he was so funny :D
After lunch, I needed new jeans so we went to find some of those and American Eagle was rather crowded and hot as well. The mall got exponentially more crowded while we were eating - it was crazy. But, hey, it's Black Friday :]
We got finished in good time, it was 5 or so when we got back to my house. Then it was time to put new music on various computers, Melissa, Kristin and I all like the Twilight movie soundtracks so we all shared cds :]
Melissa had gotten a dice game called Farkle during the day, so the girls all played that in the evening. It was a game where you got points based on what you rolled and it was all about risk. So the first game, I was having fun and going for the long shot rolls, so I had 600 points for the longest time (to put it in perspective: you need 500 points to get on the board and then you need 10,000 to go for the win). That was fun :D
Saturday, I ran the Turkey Trot 5k. And I didn't do too badly, seeing as how I had to walk the whole second mile because my back was on fire. I ran the first mile and third in their entirety, and I got to get it massaged and stretched out after I finished so that was awesome. Melissa, Aunt Kelly and my mom and dad came to cheer me on, so that was cool :] They were cheering 'Go Turkey go!' and 'IU sucks!' at me, so that was entertaining :D
After the run, we all watched some college football. The Purdue v. IU game and Virginia Tech v. Vriginia games weren't until the afternoon, so we watched the Michigan v. Ohio State game - that was a good game. The Purdue game wasn't pretty by any stretch of the word, but they did win so I'll take it. I was also glad that they won, since I wrote that I was thankful that IU sucks. It would've been a different effect if we'd lost ;] Virginia Tech dominated, so that was good :]
I got to hang with Kylee again after way too long of not seeing each other. A bunch of other people came over too, so it was a party :] It was awesome to see all of them again, I miss them. And DJ was playing Skyrim (that was hilarious - he died so many times because he just wanted to kill everyone :D ) while Jon and Shugo fought with Jon's lightsabers, so it was a pretty typical gathering of all of us :]
After that party, I got to start decorating our Christmas tree with my mom. I love decorating for Christmas, so it's sad that I'm not there during most of it. At least I get to do some - my mom understands how I feel, and she should since I got it from her :D
This morning, I had to leave relatively early because I needed to get back for praise band. It was rainy, so I was prepared for a nasty drive. Driving around Chicago wasn't too bad but about 30 miles onto I-65 suddenly traffic was stop and go (which is slightly backwards from what you'd think it should be). That was fun O.o At least I had some Christmas music in my cd player - and Buckbeak stayed nice and warm for me.
I got to the sound check about a half hour late, so not too bad. I played violin and bass today, and I even sang one song - the other two vocalists weren't comfortable with it and I didn't mind so I did the verses and they joined in on the choruses. It was a small crowd, but it was fun :] And then I came back to Aldersgate and have been watching football, writing this and talking with friends instead of unpacking or doing the homework that's due on Tuesday that I didn't do over break. Oh well.
Boiler up :D

Monday, November 21, 2011

Sleep Deprivation, part ii

It's been an interesting week. And, like the title suggests, I didn't sleep very much.
Wednesdays I have classes 8.30-9.20 and then 9.30-10.20, so when I woke up at 9.24 on Wednesday it was the first time I'd unintentionally slept through a class. At first, my brain thought it was Thursday, when my first class is at 10.30, so I just thought that I'd have to get up and get going pretty quickly. Then I woke up further and remembered that I had a statistics lab in 6 minutes. I was only 10 min late, though, a feat which I am rather proud of, seeing as it usually takes me about 30 to get ready and leave the house, much less get to class.
Then Thursday was my second Linear Algebra midterm. I was really nervous, and really my whole week had been in anticipation of it so once it was done it felt like the weekend :] Walking back to Aldersgate, I talked with Jonathan so that was cool, it was nice to actually talk with him again.
Friday I had originally planned on going rock climbing with Wesley people, but I was feeling nauseous (since the previous day) and I felt that climbing up things would not help my situation at all. So Seth and I hung out that evening - we had some french toast and tea for dinner before he rented Skyrim and I watched him play. That game is so cool! Catherine and Ben were with us as well for some of it, and we all decided that the area Seth was in was one of the creepiest places we'd ever seen. We stayed up pretty late, Kyle joined us after his Christmas Show rehearsal. We were all up until about 2 before we decided that we should probably go to sleep seeing as how Seth and I had to get up to winterize Aldersgate and Kyle ad a President's Council thing to go to in the morning.
We got the leaves all raked up and cleaned the gutters - and some of those gutters had turned into planters with all the leaves that had been there, there were plants growing in some of them.
Then it was time for football :D Thankfully it didn't rain - I probably wouldn't've stayed for the whole game if it had started.
And what a mediocre game. There were some good plays, but what really ticked me off was how, on our last play, Marve tried to get the touchdown rather than just running out of bounds - thus stopping the clock and setting up a first and goal on the 1 yard line. Instead, he fumbled it and it went to Iowa.
Andrew, Ben and I were venting about that the entire way to Andrew's parents' tailgating. It was nice to sit and talk for a while after the game.
After that, a few of us Wesley sophomores got together for dinner and bonding. We went out to a Mexican restaraunt and then back to Aldersgate for a game. However, a bunch of guys were in the house planning for the Thanksgiving dinner the following night, so they made the four girls walk somewhere else so they could take their things over to Wesley to get it all set up. Once we were allowed inside, we got a game of Taboo going. I think the numerous games of Buckets with my family helped me - I was prett good at describing the things and guessing what others were trying to say :] That was a lot of fun, it was nice hanging with all of those guys.
We split up after the game was done, the guys going to Wesley to help set up and the girls went to Shilpa's apartment to plan for the Christmas dinner. The men and women of Wesley (MOW and WOW) switch off every year preparing a themed dinner for Thanksgiving and Christmas. The men had Thanksgiving this year, and the women have Christmas. I'm really excited for our dinner, we've got a pretty cool theme :D
After the planning session, I went back to Aldersgate and realized that my voice was dying, it's the first time I've lost my voice from a football game :] I watched some of the late college games with Kyle for a bit, then we were both tired enough that we just went to sleep at like midnight.
Of course, I was lying in my bed half asleep three hours later wondering why my nose felt so weird. I went to rub it, then saw the blood and was suddenly wide awake. My bathroom is down a flight of stairs, and I'm so glad that I forgot to turn the light off when I went to sleep because I swear those stairs are going to be the death of me. I got my nose to stop, then saw how bloody my hand and shirt were. Then I went to check on my sheets and there was blood there too. So I couldn't just go back to sleep, annoyingly. I got my shirt and sheets changed, and as I was putting the new sheets on, Ben, Pat and Seth walk up and were surprised to see that I was still awake. I told them that I actually had been asleep, but woke back up and Seth commented that it sounded like I'd just woken up since my voice was about an octave deeper than normal - it had gotten worse from the three hours before.
Finally, at about 4, I fell back asleep and when I woke up at 8.30, I decided to go back to sleep since I had to deal with that :]
During the day, Andrew was getting the food ready and the whole house smelled like pumpkin pie - it was great :]
I played violin with the praise band during service yesterday, so that was fun. Then it was time for the MOW dinner.
Ben sat up at the front of the Great Hall and read us a story (from a dictionary :] ). The first one was about knights, and there was supposed to be people coming in from the side door, only it was locked :D That was pretty much hilarious. Then he said that was the wrong story, and instead owls (of which Pat made an awesome one :D ) flew in and delivered Hogwarts letters to us all :]
We indicated what we wanted to eat, and then Hagrid (Matt Rogers, my Winterization Supplies partner) took us all to be Sorted. I was in Gryffindor :] (which told me that they just randomly assigned us houses - I'm so not a Gryffindor :] ). After the Sorting, we went to a class. The one I went to was Divination, others went to Potions. Our class was really funny, Christian and Pat were trying to avoid ad libing and passing it off on the other :D Then it was time to eat. They had tables for each House and the area looked really spiffy - there were lights on the ceiling. They also sang Do You Believe in Magic? to us :D It was super fun, and Andrew's pumpkin pie was really yummy :]
The praise band for next week practiced after the dinner, since it's Thanksgiving and we won't really have time to practice otherwise. I'm playing violin and bass - two on one and two on the other. So for one song, I might have to sling the bass around to by back and play violin since I won't have all that much time in the transition. Should be interesting. I'm also going to play with Shilpa for hymn of the week.
When I got back to Aldersgate, I joined Pat and Kyle watching the Purdue basketball game. Once the Eagles game started, we were switching back and forth between the two. However, once Purdue decided to suck it up, it turned into a fight between Pat and Kyle - Kyle wanted to change the channel and Pat wanted to watch the end of the game (I have no idea why - it was disgusting).
It turned into a party in the second floor common room. It started with Kyle, Pat and me, then Ben joined us, Matt Milligan and Hannah came down from the third floor (they're dating), Seth came up to wait to use the xbox (he hadn't known I was an Eagles fan before, so he was wondering who I was cheering for), Andrew was there once he was done at Wesley and Michael came up to hang for a bit as well. It was pretty fun with everyone there :]
And it was even better because the Eagles won! Woo! Once the game was over, it was just Seth, Kyle, Ben and me in the room and Seth ook over to play some more Skyrim. Kyle and I were attempting to do homework, it went marginally well. I had Spanish class at 7.30 first semester last year, and I thought that was hard until I was trying to watch a video and write a review about it in Spanish at 1.30 in the morning O.o I was up until 2 again this morning, and the others were even up after me.
Though, staying up until 2 may or may not have been the best life choice I've ever made, seeing as how I had an 8.30 this morning, as well as a bunch of homework. (It was worth it, though :D ) I got up in time for class, though, so that was good.
Then Stat was a short class, so I just went to a lab to get the homework started. I got everything I needed to do on the computer done in my time between Stat and Spanish, including my Accounting homework, and I aslo got the Spanish book work done. That was a nice feeling :]
After Spanish, I went to Wesley to finish my Stat homework and I got back to my room at about 2, discovering on my way up that my Gungor CD arrived :D
And now it is 4.30 and I still have not packed at all for this weekend. I'm driving home right after orchestra, so that means I've got about an hour to pack and wash my dishes (I really don't want to just have them sit over the weekend) and eat dinner. I'm not a procrastinator, I'll just do it later.
-Carly B

Monday, November 14, 2011

How can you tell a extroverted engineer fron an introverted? When He's talking, he looks at your feet instead of his.

(Courtesy of Jake Ohlemiller, Recovering Engineer.)
So on Tuesday I went to Barnes and Noble to get Inheritance - the last book in the Eragon series (finally! :] ). The store opened at 9 in the morning, and when I got there at 9.15 the rack of books was already half empty... :] I was good too - I went to the checkout with only the one book I'd planned to buy :D The man that checked me out was nice too - he said that a bunch of people had come for those books and he asked if I knew how many pages it was. I didn't but I said that it was nice and thick, which I was excited about. He laughed and said 'So you won't be done at 10, it'll be more like 11.30' and I laughed as well.
Thursday I had to pack for class the next day as well as the weekend, so that was fun.
Then it was time for the weekend. Friday between classes I had a meeting with my advisor and I'm officially a Mathmatical Statistics and Mathemetics double major with a minor in Spanish.
Jake, Liz and I were at Wesley at 12.30, the time we'd planned to meet, and we were just waiting for Julia. Who, I'd like to point out, didn't have a class ending at 12.20 like Liz and I :] Once we were all there, we decided to get on the road and stop for lunch in Crawfordsville - about an hour away. As we were driving through, we didn't see very much until the edge of town - there was a gas station that had pizza (it reminded me of Kauai :] ) and it was actually really good pizza. Our next stop was at a rest stop near U of I - Jake just wanted to move his wallet but there was a playground so Liz, Julia and I all went over there and he joined us. There was a tire swing - that was fun :D
As we got closer to St Louis, Liz's excitement grew - she was really excited that she might be able to see the Arch. So then we could actually see it in the distance and she was taking pictures left and right. As we got closer, she realised that our hotel is right next to it and hoped that she would have a view from her room. When we checked in, Julia and I were rooming and Jake was in the room right next to ours, but Liz was 15 rooms down - which is funny because Liz, Julia and I requested to have rooms near each other and Jake didn't have a housing request at first, he was going to stay with his family. However, Liz did in fact wind up with the Arch room, so I was happy for her :]
Later on that night, we were waiting to go into worship when I saw a guy with a shirt that said 'Do or do not... There is no try' and I complimented him on it :] He said thanks and stayed to talk for a bit since he was there by himself - his name's Jonathan and he's from Tennessee. We all clicked pretty well - we wound up hanging through the whole weekend. That was pretty cool - he was a great guy.
That night we got to hear Rev Adam Hamilton speak - Liz and Jake were fangirling and Julia and I understood why, he was good. After, there were small groups and then Jake left to see his family and the rest of us were all tired (we were still on Eastern time) so we crashed.
Saturday was a pretty packed day. I wanted to be the cool kid and wear my John Wesley credo shirt that I got from Manos Juntas in Mexico - it was in Spanish :] We had breakfast together and went to worship and small groups, then the workshops started up. My first workshop was Music in Ministry - basically what I really want to do. That was really cool to go to - and I got some ideas for books that I want to read.
After that first workshop I got to go out to lunch with Aunt Kelly, Uncle Mark, Melissa and McKayla :D That was fun, it was great to see them again. We went to this nice little Mexican restaraunt that Melissa knew about (since she lived in that area) and I had some delicious vegetarian fajitas :] I also got to go see Melissa's new place, and the new puppy :]
When I went back to the conference, the last workshop I did was with Liz - we did a leadership styles analysis. I scored even in two of the three categories (Spiritual Shepherd and Systems/Task Organizer) and Liz scored high in the Vision Crier (the one I got zero in) so I said that together we'd make the perfect leader :D
We had been all split up during the workshops and lunch, so it was kinda funny when we all happened to meet up again in the room to eat dinner. That night we were eating with Jonathan again and we had a really good conversation - he's really passionate about what he does and that was cool to see. He's also slightly manic, so that was fun as well :D After dinner was worship - and the Saturday night worships of weekend events like these are almost always the most emotional one, so that was fun. Small groups after that was really neat, though, my small group was pretty cool.
And then this morning we had breakfast in our small groups. I was wearing a Virginia Tech shirt (there were other people from Tech, but I never really got to meet them) and that confused some of the people in my group since I'd introduced myself as being from Purdue previously.
We had a closing worship and then it was off to get gas and then get on the highway.
That is, we drove in circles around downtown St Louis trying to find a gas station, only to find one that was cheaper and right next to the on-ramp after we'd filled the tank. Go team :D We got a nice little tour of St Louis though...
We weren't overly hungry, so we didn't stop to eat lunch for a while. We found this little Indian crafts store and ate our boxed lunches there and looked around. We killed a half hour and had no hopes of getting back in time for the COM meeting (Council On Ministries - Wesley's leadership team) so when we were in time it was nice. I'm not in COM, so I went to the kitchen to get some food and I was going to start looking up classes for registering tomorrow (the hotel didn't have free wi-fi in the rooms, I'd planned on doing it there) when Glen came down looking for someone and informed me that they were going to be talking about the weekend fairly soon so I should join them. I did, and they were still going through nominations for this semester's election. When it got to Vice President, Shilpa said that she'd be stepping down and nominated Erica and me. I said 'So I shouldn't've come up here, thanks Glen,' but Julia pointed out that Shilpa probably would've nominated me anyway, so at least this way I had a heads up.
And now it's midnight, so much for being in bed by now. Yay for 8.30 class tomorrow morning! O.o
-Carly B

Sunday, November 6, 2011

A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.

Well, it's been an interesting week.
I had tests on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, annoyingly. However, they were for Statistics, Spanish and Accounting, so it wasn't too bad. And with the Accounting one, I actually felt more confident on more problems than I had expected to feel confident on, so that was nice.
Then Winterization took over. After my accounting final on Thursday, I went over to Wesley to sort and count supplies. The others had gotten everything sorted by groups by the time I got there, but I had to go around and count how many things each group had so that I knew what they should be checking back in on Saturday. (By the way, our rake count is up to 260.) After counting and recording everything (plus rearranging things for another group that was made) I helped some of the mapping folks at First Church with copying and putting driver packets all together. That was fun, and we were there till midnight, then Pastor Glen and I stayed a little later at Wesley to figure out why there were extra house sheets left over once everything was put together. We got things sorted and agreed to meet up to finish it at 12.30, after my last class (and less than 12 hours later...).
Friday, Glen and I got everything worked out and then we had another prep at St Thom's - St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church, they let us use their building since 556 people would never fit in Wesley all at once - and I joined the registration group, my other task for the weekend. We actually finished fairly early, then a bunch of us in A-gate got a game of Bang! going. Our first one went really quickly, so we started another when more people came over after a SAG meeting. The toughest position in the game is the renegade - basically, you want to be the last one alive at the end, and you want the last person you kill to be the sheriff. And that's what I was for that second game, and I won! It was pretty exciting - I've never actually won before.
So, on Saturday morning, I set three alarms with a snooze of 3 minutes each - basically, starting at 5.12 there wouold be an alarm going off every minute, I wanted to shower and have time to fully wake up before going over to Wesley by 6.30.
So, when Stephanie called me at 6.38, I was pressing buttons on my phone, trying to figure out why the alarm wouldn't turn off when I realized that Hula Girl at Heart was playing - my ringtone. I managed to either sleep through a half hour of alarms every minute, or I turned them off in my sleep. Swearing slightly, I jumped up and went to check on Kyle - that's what Stephanie had called about, evidently he had overslept as well. We were both ready in about 2 minutes and went on over. Luckily, we were there by 6.48 - still on time based on Wesley time. Things went pretty smoothly from there, the only thing that made me want to freak was when 2 groups said they didn't have supplies waiting for them. I knew they did, so I went down to see what had happened. Well, another group's stuff was still there and they had already left so we just gave that pile to once of the groups. Then the other group said that apparently their other half had already collected the stuff.
I helped set up the eating area for a little bit until I had to set up where Shilpa and I would be working at checking people back in. I brought my phone so that there wouldn't be just one phone for Shilpa to use as the home base, and it was pretty funny to watch her juggle three calls (2 on her phone and one on mine) at one point :] And I decided that I was the self-proclaimed Supplies Queen of the day - I had the master list and was checking in supplies and then organizing where everything was going to be put away. It was a fun day, even though it was super long.
And that wasn't even the end of my day. It was the fifth of November yesterday, Guy Fawkes Day. I got together with some people from orchestra and we went to a Chinese restaurant for dinner and then over to a house to watch V for Vendetta, an excellent movie :] I was incredibly tired and almost fell asleep multiple times during the movie, but it's one of my favorites so I managed to stay awake the entire time.
This morning I woke up at 9.30, thinking that I had slept in nicely before I remembered that it was Daylight Savings last night, which meant that it was actually 8.30. I decided to just curl up on a couch downstairs and read. I had to make a grocery store run, and after that I went to Wesley to play with the Praise Band. I was originally going to play the bass, but at practice on Friday I said that, considering that the songs we were playing were slower, more mellow, I thought bass wouldn't sound the best, so I played violin. I had a mic set right up next to my violin while I was playing and Dale had that mic cranked all the way up, but people said that it sounded good so I guess it worked :] I also got to exercise my improvisation skills - I've had a rather sheet music-based musical education, so I'm not entirely comfortable improvising parts. But, like I said, people liked it. And Jake helped me out beforehand, so that was good.
After dinner, we had our first Bikers For Jesus meeting of the year. We decided that it's either going to be the first week after graduation in May or the week before BGR in August. Unfortunately, the August week is also going to be the Boundry Waters canoe trip, so if they wind up overlapping, I'm going to have to choose. Our location choices are exciting - if it's in May we'll either go from here to Nashville, here to Appalacia, or along the Gulf Coast. Or, if it's in Auguat, we'll either go from here(ish) to Niagara Falls, around Door County in Wisconsin, or drive to Niagara falls and bike a trail to Toronto. I'm excited for any of them :D
After Wesley, I watched the first half of the Steelers v. Ravens game - it's pretty funny when Kyle and Ben are playing each other in the fantasy league and they both have players in the game :] And it's a close matchup between them too.
One good thing about having a bunch of tests last week is that I don't have any homework due tomorrow :D
(who already has trouble staying awake in my 8.30 accounting class, much less with the sleep deprivation I've got going on right now. Tomorrow morning should be just so much fun...)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Apparently I'm still a USC fan

This week's been a pretty good week, and this weekend's been better :]
I got a box of cookies from my mom on Tuesday :D That was exciting.
Wednesday was my orchestra audition for next semester. And it went well, so that's good.
Then I got registered for Turkey Trot. I'm pretty excited abou that too. I had my first run in the rain since I was on a team last Thursday. It was fun :D
Thursday I got to play Ultimate again and then we were getting readdy for the Aldersgate Halloween Party. Thursday Catherine, Seth and I made cookies and cake and Friday we decorated. The cookies were sugar cookies with Halloween shapes - one was a witch and it took me the longest time to figure out what it was, I thought it was just the wierdest looking bat I'd ever seen. Then I realized that it was rotated :] The fisrt batch of dough was good, then the second was shorted flour so it was extremely sticky - Catherine and I had a few cat amputations going from the table to the cookie sheet. Michael and Payton had fun decorating them on Friday.
The party was super fun. I actually wasn't too bad at cider pong - there was a cauldron with a fog machine and strobe light inside in the blacklight room (yes, we have blacklights on walls in our dining room, only used once a year) and so that was kind of headache-inducing. And that was where we were playing cider pong. One of my shots I couldn't see the cups so I just tossed the ping pong ball and I actually got one of the cups :D That was fun. I also got to hang with Julia (Elphaba in my facebook profile picture) so that was fun too :] After the party at Aldersgate, a bunch of us went over to Shilpa's apartment and watched Shaun of the Dead (it was like Zombieland - a comedic horror movie). It was a good night :]
The next day, Saturday, I'm pretty sure Michael and I were the only ones awake at 10am - when I woke up :] The house was rather quiet. I had a pretty lazy day yesterday - I watched the Purdue v. Michigan game.
It was sad. Like really sad. But I guess I was expecting that. After that game, Kyle and I didn't really care what the afternoon games were so we turned on NCIS and watched that. I went to Marsh and picked up some Panda Express for Kyle - he sprained his ankle jumping down stairs leading off the stage at a Glee Club show (he landed 4 rows in instead of at the bottom of the stairs). While I was at Panda, I realized that I really can't eat anything from there anymore - it's all meat. I guess I'm really a vegetarian now - I don't miss it.
At 8 we got to watch the USC v. Stanford game. It wound up being a good game (I really hadn't expected that). Unfortunately, USC lost :[ I had kinda expected that to happen though, plus USC beat Notre Dame so it wasn't too bad. It went to 3 overtimes though, so that was unfortunate because it was so late.
Today was the Halloween concert - always a fun concert. And today was no exception - we played some awesome songs and I got to hang with my section for a little bit in between the dress rehersal and concert. I also got quite a few compliments on my costume :]
After the concert, I hauled over to Wesley because I was playing bass in one of the bands for our Praise-a-Palooza mostly worship music service. And that went pretty well too - considering my group hadn't practiced with a sound system before the hour before the service - our practice on Friday was just listening to the music and strumming the guitars without amps or anything. But we played some good songs and they turned out ok, even with the troublesome mics - we kept getting this annoying feedback.
Then I got back to Aldersgate and saw that the Saints lost to the effing Rams - really?? But I got a Halloween card from Kristin so that made me smile :D And now I'm watching the Eagles game with Kyle, Ben and Jake - and the Eagles are winning! Go Eagles! (they're my last hope for this weekend O.o )

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Blood blisters and football :D

I meant to update Friday night, then last night, so maybe I'll actually do it now :]
Overall, it was a rather 'meh' week. I was stressing about school for most of it, so that was not so great. Plus the weather was gross all week - thankfully it got nice yesterday for the game and then today was beautiful as well. If on;y it would stay like this...
Monday we had a cleaning party for the first floor common rooms of Aldersgate, and Seth and I had some fun beating one of the carpets. We broke the broom we were using into 5 separate pieces (the acual broom part broke in 2 and the handle broke into 3) and I got a blood blister on my hand. It was fun though :D And I got my new window - it was just a storm window that was too small propped up by the screen and now it's an actual window again! It's the small things in life :]
Wednesday was not so great, but Thursday wasn't too bad - I got some new books and enjoyed some hot apple cider. I've been kinda busy with homework, so I haven't gone to Ultimate in a while. Hopefully next Thursday will work out.
Friday was a good day - classes went well and then I went to lunch with a friend. Then I had dinner with some guys from my orchestra section - that was really fun. I like both of them, they're fun to hang with :] And the place we went was really good - it was oriental food where you could make your own stir-fry kinda thing. Very yummy :] It was over in Lafayette, and there was an insane amount of traffic. This Homecoming is pretty popular.
After dinner, I went to a corn maze with Wesley. That was super fun, it was a pretty awesome corn maze. And the sky was pretty much stunning - I was looking up quite often.
Yesterday was the Homecoming game. I went with Ben - we went to a tailgate with Andrew and Jake but neither of the other 2 actually made it to the game.
It was a good game too. The first half was great, the 3rd quarter was flat, but the second half of the fourth quarter was pretty good. JaJuan Johnson, one of our awesome basketball seniors last year, was on campus but he didn't lead Shout, so Ben and I were disappointed. There were a bunch of alumni there though - alumni band and twirlers and cheerleaders and flags so the halftime show was pretty awesome with all the alumni there too. And some of the alumni cheerleaders (and not just the recent grads) were doing stunts and things, so that was fun. It was a cool game :]
Especially since we won! :D We played U of Illinois - who was raked 23 and wasn't playing like it really. Oh well, it was fun for us ;]
Ben and I were invited to join Andrew and his family at Bruno's (pizza place) after the game, so we went down there with them. Their family is so nice, it was fun :]
Saturday night we had a chick flick night with the Wesley women, we watched 27 Dresses :] Partially through the movie, there was a pounding at the door and we had been expecting the guys to try and crash, so we all assumed it was them.
Well, it was them, but they weren't there to crash. They serenaded us :D It was super sweet, and all the women enjoyed it. They even had the harmonies all down, so they had obviously practiced. It was cute :]
Today I was playing in the Wesley band, so I did that. It was a good service, we played well and the sermon was good too. After service, I went out to dinner with a friend from Statistics class, so right now I'm full from Noodles & Co mac'n'cheese :D yum!
Alright, I should probably do some homework, even though my Star Wars book is calling me... We'll see how well that works. Tomorrow my 5 week training for the Turkey Trot starts - should be fun :]
-Carly B

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Yay travelling!

Holy busy week.
Last weekend I was at home for fall break :D That was a good weekend! I stayed here for the game against Minnesota and I was going to stay for the entire thing, but I decided that I wanted to get home so I left at halftime. And got to play nighttime Ultimate with a bunch of friends - complete with getting hit in the forehead :] That was fun.
I went downtown on Sunday with my cousin Melissa to see her boyfriend run the Chicago marathon. That was a ton of fun, it was cool to hang with her all day :] And I got new running shoes - Schaumburg 5k Turkey Trot here I come :D
Then I went to Goebbert's with Nicole on Monday. I wanted apple cider and donuts to bring back to school, and she needed to get a pumpkin. That was so much fun! I miss Nicole, so it was good to hang with her too. I even got her to help me wash my car :D I park under a tree at school - it needed it.
We have fun together :D
That night I got to watch a Bears game with my family, I miss that. Especially my dad. He comes up with some interesting things to yell at the opposing team - last game was the Lions. One of the Lions drew a flag, so my dad said that they should have 'his mother come down and slap him.' My mom and I laughed. Then the next penalty (possibly the next play - that was a long first quarter O.o ) he said that they should have 'his mother slap him, his father kick him in the butt, and his dog piss on his shoes.' My mom and I were cracking up - that was one of the more colorful ones :D
Wednesday it was back to class again, unfortunately. The nice thing was Thursday I had no class - I only have one class Tuesdays and Thursdays, and Thursday's class was cancelled from our evening exam (if we have an evening exam in a class we get one class period cancelled). So Thursday I got my hair cut (it was getting long), and then I had to go get food stuffs for my house dinner - it was my turn to cook for everyone. I went to Walmart and decided to get a costume there - I wasn't having any success trying to figure something out on my own. I found a Venus costume, so I'm going to be a Greek goddess for Halloween :D Should be fun, especially since I'm going to be playing at church right after the Halloween orchestra concert - where I'll be wearing the costume. I think I'll take a change of clothes...
For the dinner, I made pancakes and bacon :D People were pretty excited. Except Payton - apparently I stole his idea ;] I've never made bacon in a skillet, so I just winged it. (Wung it? What would the correct grammar be here?) I lust left all the grease in there, so pretty soon the bacon was cooking in its own grease. I got hit by splatters more than once - it's hot! But a bunch of people were saying it was great - it was really crispy, so I guess my method worked :]
Friday it was off to Columbus for a badminton tournament. Ohio State is a pretty campus, though it was too big for me. I like Purdue (I guess that's why I'm here :] ). But it was cool to hang with those guys again, tournaments are usually pretty fun. Especially the late night Bridge games - it's fun to watch how involved people get in them.
The tournament went as tournaments usually go for me - I lost every single game I played. You know, just once it'd be bloody awesome to be good at badminton, rather than halfway decent. Sorry for the slight rant.
The nice thing was, we had originally planned to spend two nights there and drive back once play was done on Sunday (the finals are usually on Sunday with all the prelims on Saturday) - which was supposed to be at 4 so we'd be back here at 10.30 or 11 at night. There weren't that many people at the tournament, so we finished play on Saturday - which meant we got to sleep in today and drive back when we wanted and got back at 6. It was pretty sweet :]
And now I'm watching the Bears schlap the Vikings with Kyle (who's a huge Colts fan and got to watch them lose to the Bengal in person today...). There's 10 min left in the game and it's 39-10. I'm also getting a headache and I have class tomorrow, unfortunately, so I should probably sleep.

Friday, October 7, 2011

So many free cups!

Monday was a relatively uneventful day, if you don't count me throwing a pen at Kyle. He had been making fun of the fact that the Eagles lost to the Forty-Niners since Sunday when we were watching the game after Ultimate and saw the score. I'm an Eagles fan and he's a Jim Harbaugh fan so the fact that the final score was 24-23 wasn't helping.
Oh, I also registered for this thing called Exploration 2011, a conference for youth going into ministry. I hadn't been planning on going, but I kinda felt like I wanted to so I'll be going to St Louis in November. A plus, I might be able to see the Bogdas (the ones that are still in Missouri anyway...) :D
Tuesday was a most excellent day. I went to Target at 9 in the morning (I checked to make sure they'd be open - they open at 8 :] ). The Lion King is out of the vault, and now I have it in my room :D :D And while I was there, I found Anastasia for $5 :] I love that movie, so I'm excited I found it. I also saw Catching Fire and Mockingjay, the other books in The Hunger Games trilogy. I had planned on waiting until they came out in paperback, but I decided that I was impatient - I read The Hunger Games last Friday and I wanted to keep reading. Besides, they were only $12.50 each, which isn't bad for a hardcover book :] I also went to the library because I obviously don't have enough books. I'm planning on getting a Kindle in November, so that should help me keep control of the flat spaces in my room - I've run out of room for the books!
So I went to class and then signed up for the Paint Crew, then it was to Wesley after to hang for the day like I normally do. I studied Accounting, I had an exam that night, and read Catching Fire. We didn't have our Disciple bible study because most of the group would be gone, so that gave me more time to read :] I took the exam and went back to give my devotion. It was about my rather less than good year last year, and it went really well. People said that it was good and there was a lot of sharing around the circle when I was done. It was pretty awesome :]
I finished Catching Fire that night and started on Mockingjay the next morning during my break between Statistics and Spanish. I finished it that afternoon and took my Linear Algebra exam (which I'm fairly certain I bombed... O.o ). After the exam, I read one of the books from the library - All American Girl, a Meg Cabot fuzzy romance that I'd read before and was perfect for me to just read and forget about the exam.
I just did a little math - I said last entry that I read The Hunger Games in about 10 hours. Well, it took me 12 to read Catching Fire (this number includes the time I was in class and/or studying as well). Mockingjay took me about 7 hours, and All American Girl took me 2 :D In case you wondered if I like to read, and read rather quickly... ;]
Thursday was a rather low-key day, I had some new movies to watch :D I had about 20 minutes left of The Lion King when Kyle walked over to my room to ask a question about dinner (it was his turn to make the house dinner) and he wound up staying for the rest of the movie :] Colleen and I are planning on getting an apartment together next year, so I went to the housing fair on Thursday (and got more cups - people seem to like giving those away at fairs, I got a bunch last year at various BGR fairs too) to get some info and we met up Friday to sort through things. It was fun getting to hang with her again :]
Tonight I'm hoping to get packed so I can leave right after the game tomorrow. We'll see how well that works out ;] Then it's Fall Break for me! :D
-Carly B
PS - reading through my past posts, it's a good thing y'all understand what I'm trying to say, even when what I type looks nothing like what I was trying to type...

Sunday, October 2, 2011

It's a good thing our defense sucks...

Yay, stress >.< I've basically got 6 tests from last Monday until next Wednesday. Four of them are done, and the last two are on Tuesday and Wednesday. At least it's Fall Break next weekend :D
On Tuesday, Blink 182 came out with a new album, so that was exciting :] Then Wednesday I got to see Colleen again - she's moving into a new place and it's a good thing she moved on Saturday. Her current roommate dropped out and is still living there, but it wasn't going well.
Thursday was Ultimate again! It's really fun playing with them all :] I also talked with Pastor Glen about my devo - I'm doing the Tuesday night devotion in a few days at Wesley. He likes it, so hopefully everyone else will too.
Friday I spent most of the day reading and relaxing. Then a bunch of the guys and I played Bang! and Halo from 7.30pm to 3.30am - that was a ton of fun :D I don't like playing first-person shooter games, so I mostly watched :] I was also reading The Hunger Games (I read it in about 10 hours :D ) so I was up until 4.30 in the morning. Seth saw me at 6 or so and I was about 75 pages in, then when the Halo party stopped I had about 75 pages left and he was laughing. He's one of the ones who marvels at how quickly I read :]
Since I was up until 4.30, I planned on sleeping in. I woke up at 8.45 - I almost always wake up sometime between 8 and 9, no matter the day - and I was ready to get up, then decided that I really didn't want to so I slept for another hour and a half :D That was nice.
For yesterday's game, Andrew's parents tailgated out here at Aldersgate.That was fun. And I've finally learned how to play Euchre :D It's a rather Indiana/Ohio/Michigan based game, people play it quite a bit here. I was playing with Payton, and we were the two that were learning the game. We did pretty well, though :]
Wesley does a parking lot fundraiser on home football games. We let people park in the First Church parking lot and shuttle them back and forth to the game. I helped with that before going up to the game. It was really good too, we raised $785 on parking 79 cars - two records. And we had a small crew in the cold too.
I met up with a bunch of Wesley/Aldersgate people for the game.
Wait, did I say game? I meant to say royal stomping by the Irish. It was rather sad. The final score was 38-10, so at least we scored. And it was pretty cool to be under the lights.
And I remembered why I highly dislike the Big Ten officials. As my dad said, the three blind mice and Stevie Wonder were officiating the game last night. It was really bad.
After, we were going to go to McDonalds for coffee/hot chocolate and snacks, but the lines were pretty long. Instead, we (Ben, Andrew, Seth and I) decided to go back to the house and watch a movie and make our own hot chocolate. As we were getting everything together, we were joined by Michael, Jake and Pat. We started off with The Italian Job on tv as everyone was gathering, and I was watching because I knew the line coming up. However, it didn't sound like it normally did. I listened more and asked 'Are we watching The Italina Job in Spanish?' others listened too and it was. Apparently our tv has a language button, and it works :]
Once that was over, we put in Anchorman. Kyle joined us a little ways into that one. It was a good evening after the game :D
Then today I got to sleep in! I wasn't needed at First Church, so I got some homework done and painted my nails before going to Wesley to practice for service. I also looked up how much it would be for a Kindle - and saw something that made me laugh. For the battery life, it said that it would last 2 months. Then in the smaller print, it said that was the battery life if you read half an hour a day, so one month if you read an hour a day. So, it'll last me about a day and a half... :]
We played some good songs today at Wesley, that was fun. And dinner was yummy :] Ultimate was fun, though kinda cold. And I need new shoes - good thing Fall Break is coming up :]
And now it's time for Carly to sleep. Night!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

'The things I do for Christian fellowship.'

What an excellent weekend.
It started on Friday - my Spanish presentation on Aztecs went well (despite the 12-14 letter names O.o ) and I time to watch some Veggie Tales before I had to leave for Fall Retreat. I love Veggie Tales :D
I was going to make lasagna for the people going on Fall Retreat so I went out at 3.30 on Friday. Pastor Lana, Ella and I made the lasagna and by the time everyone else was there the pasta just had to bake so we went on a walk around the campgrounds. It was a pretty big area, and Liz and I found a spot where there was a valley and ridge - it was beautiful. After dinner (I got a lot of compliments on the lasagna :D ) we had some improv time. That was pretty entertaining, it was like Whose Line is it Anyway? :]
Then we went out to a campfire for devotion time. I like fire :D After the devotion, a group stayed outside and sang some songs with an acoustic guitar - that was really neat.
On Saturday I woke up an hour before breakfast was going to be served, so I went for a walk back to the ridge overlooking the valley. I'm not sure if it was raining or water was just falling from tree to tree, but it was really peaceful.
As part of getting the reduced rate we did, we were going to help them out getting the camp ready for another season. A few people helped demo bunk beds and bikes, the rest of us formed a line to sort the rotten firewood from the good and pass it all from one stack to a covered pile. I was one of the ones stacking the logs under the lean-to. The guy that normally does it said we were doing well :]
After lunch, we went to a climbing wall. That was lots of fun, especially when I was shaking once back on the ground... Julia, a freshman, said the quote for my title, and I enjoyed it :D
Once we were done, it was back to Purdue. I'd planned on staying in all night, but then I remembered that I had to get groceries. The nice thing about Marsh is college students get 10% off if we shop on Saturdays :D And once I got back, Jake asked if I could play bass Sunday morning - apparently their bassist backed out right before the rehersal on Saturday night. So today I left for First Church at 7.30 am and just got back (to stay) 40 min ago at 9 pm. It's been a long day.
But it's been fun :] I really liked the songs we played at First Church this morning. Then, right after service, I went to Hicks underground library to study statistics with some people in my class. We have an exam on Wednesday and we get a cheat sheet, so I got that written up. From the library, I went to Wesley to practice for that service.
And it wasn't the best practice ever, I couldn't even hear myself for the vast majority of the time because no one was there to do the sound. Then I had to transpose (change the chords into a different key) two songs because they were supposed to be capo'd (that clip thing on guitars that people sometimes put on their fingerboards). Nicole, Kyle Gonzales, Mason and Chris got there so I showed them around the church and they stayed for service.
Unfortunately, about a verse into the first song I discovered that I had transposed the cong wrong, and then the next song was capo'd and I hadn't known so I was transposing on the fly. It was an interesting set...
The service was good, though, and dinner was fun with the visitors. It was really good to see them again :D We went back to Aldersgate quickly before I was going to play Ultimate with Wesley so I said bye and got changed quickly to head out with Kyle (Hoos. I know so many Kyles).
That was quite the fun game(s) of Ultimate :] It was kinda sprinkling as we arrived, but about a point into the second game it really started raining. The ground got slick and the frisbee even slicker, but I didn't actually go down like I did on Thursday.
I finally got back to Aldersgate to stay at 9 and I immediately changed into some warm, dry clothes. I was rather wet :]
It really was an awesome weekend overall. Now I have to shift gears and take a Spanish test tomorrow. Good thing I've got time to study tomorrow :D

Thursday, September 22, 2011

I need to learn how to really throw a frisbee

Another pretty normal (as much as the word can be applied to anything in my life... ;] ) week.
Tuesday has become my Day at Wesley. I go over after class and eat my lunch - whether I've brought it or get it from the kitchen at Wesley. I meet in the covenant group after lunch, and then I just relax until the Winterization Crew meeting at 6 pm. It's pretty nice :]
Wednesday was Firefly night again, and I was reading before the rest of the guys got up there to start this week's episode. I think I'm just blowing their minds with how fast I read. I was on the second book of a trilogy last week, and I think they were expecting me to be on the next book. Well, I'm on the second book of another series - it was funny to watch their reactions :D
Today I had Linear Algebra - and I remember how much I disliked proofs in Geometry back in freshman year of high school. This class is too theoretical for me - I just want to play with numbers :D But after class I came back to Aldersgate and did some homework, since I know that I'm not going to be doing any this weekend. Then Jayne (my badminton partner from last year) asked if I wanted to go to the Intercollegiate Badminton Tournament - they needed more girls to make a team. So On October 14-16 I'll be at Ohio State (I apologize - THE Ohio State ;] ). I've never actually been there, so this should be fun.
We had our house meeting/dinner today, and then I decided that I wanted to play Ultimate with the Wesley people - I wanted to do something active today. That was a lot of fun, especially since the grass was all wet  :D I was going to switch over and play with the flag football team, but I wasn't told I would need my ID so I didn't have it which meant I couldn't play. I just switched back over to Ultimate and kept playing with them. I had two pretty sweet catches - one was on the run so I slid and went down and the other was off a tip and my reflexes just made me gather the frisbee to me. However, the one I'm going to be feeling tomorrw was when I slid and my legs went opposite directions. I think I managed to bash my knee - I can feel a bruise forming. That should be fun tomorrow...
Speaking of tomorrow, I'm going to be presenting the history and religion of the Aztecs to my Spanish class - My partner and I have 8 minutes so 4 minutes each, and I think all of my 4 minutes will be spent trying to pronounce some of those names... Most of the gods have 12 letter names, with a couple that are 14 and two or three with under 10 letters.
Then I'm going to be spearheading the crew leaving early to get to the camp and start making dinner. At least we're leaving at 3.30 or so, which means I'll have time to get everything ready after my last class ends at 12.30 :]
Yay Fall Retreat! It'll be nice to take a day off. On Saturday we get to tear down some of the cabins and then I'm going to bike back with either Pastor Glen or Dale, whichever isn't going to drive the First Church bus :] It'll be a 19 mile ride, so thet should be a nice ride.
And then Nicole and Kyle and Mason are going to come over, though I don't know when they think they're going to arrive. I guess we'll see :] It'll be awesome to see them again. And after seeing them, I get to study statistics and play bass for worship. I'm excited for the weekend to start!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Time to start saving my pennies

Yay for good weekends :D
My mom got down here on Friday and we went shopping - what else would we do? :] Aldersgate also hosted Wesley's Friday Fellowship - we had a cookout here. That was yummy, Andrew is a good griller.
Then it was badminton time. We played two pretty good games and Melissa came to watch us. after the second game, we all went to the hotel and they both got some wine while I had a lemonade. Then, in the room, my phone went off - and my text ringtone is 'Dobby's sock' from Potter Puppet Pals (3.23 mark). My mom and I knew what it was, but evidently Melissa had never heard it (I could've sworn she had before, but maybe not). So she starts looking all around and thinking she had purse-dialed someone who was trying to get her attention. Well, the look on her face was rather funny, so my mom and I started laughing. Unfortunately, I had just taken a sip of lemonade, so when I started laughing it got caught in my throat and I couldn't breathe. So that was fun.
The next day, my dad and brother came down as well and I got a new shower head :D Now my showers won't be quite so painful!
The game was a fun one (for me anyway :D ). I don't think we'll play like that against any Big 10 teams, so it was fun to see us score like mad against someone. Hopefully this week's bye won't throw off the momentum for Notre Dame.
We all went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner - that was yummy :D I hadn't been there in a while.
And then everyone left and I was back to my routine. Jake had asked me to play bass (guuiar) at First Church - their bassist wasn't going to be there. The rehersal was at 8.30 and service at 11. I'd never actually gone to First Church before - I never wake up in time :] So on Sunday I woke up at 6.30 (an hour before I'd planned to wake up O.o) after a weird dream and with my back hurting. It wasn't the best start to the day. It wound up being really fun though - the Wired band is a fun group. And I need to remember to ask Jake how much his bass was - I want one. Unfortunately, I also want a Kindle so that's probably going to come first.
Because my back hurt, I didn't actually make it to the Hunger Hike. I asked someone to turn in the money I'd gotten and took a  nap. That really helped.
And then today it was rainy and gray outside - at least it was warm still. I had $5 to Starbucks, and decided that today was a perfect day to use it. For future reference, the pumpkin cream cheese muffin from Starbucks is rather good :D I've had quite a few pumpkin flavored things recently, I think I like it now. I know I didn't before.
Because we scored 8 touchdowns on Saturday, it was 40% off at University Book Store. I got a magnet for my car (my windows are blacked out so I couldn't do a window decal) and some really comfy yoga pants that I'm wearing right now :D I was lucky to find the pants though, I went in there at 3.30 and the racks were pretty much cleaned out.
This weekend is the Wesley Fall Retreat - we go Friday afternoon to Saturday afternoon at a camp-type place. I'm excited, I didn't go last year. Then I'm going to study Stat with some people and play bass for Wesley, and then hopefully I'll be able to see Nicole Cihock, Kyle Gonzales and Mason Jenkins for a bit in the evening :]
As a point of clarification, I mentioned in my last post that I didn't want to throw Sirius out of a window (or something similar). Sirius is my laptop - don't worry, I'm not throwing people out of windows (yet ;D).
And to close, I would just like to say one more thing:
Your Mother is a *****ing******lorem ipsum****** admiumvenium*****turolagulio**­****Hippopautamus***** Rebublican***** and Daniel Radcliffe***** With a Bucket of********* And a Castle Far Away Where No One Can Here You *******Soup****** With a Bucket of******** Mickey Mouse**** and A Stick of Dynamite*******Magical***** Alakazam!!!!!!!!!!
-Carly B
(watch the rest of the Potter Puppet Pals video if you want to understand better :D 4.10-4.54)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Possum count: 6

I really cannot wait for it to be the weekend.
This week started out pretty good. I went through my Purdue email account and cleaned it out. I went from 401 emails to 47 - I had a lot of old, unnecesary stuff :]
Also on Monday, I ordered a new book :D I got an email from Barnes and Noble saying that there was a big half off sale, plus I could get free express shipping if I used a mastercard. Well, this was just too good of an offer to pass up, so I went shopping online. I want to read One Day by David Nichols, but that one wasn't on sale so I got The Hunger Games for $4.50 and it should come in by tomorrow. Free express shipping is rather nice :D
Then Tuesday was Wesley night again. I'm on the Supplies team for Winterization so at the meeting we decided to take inventory of all the supplies in the Dungeon (the basement). By the way, if you ever want to see the largest collection of rakes you've ever seen in your life then come to Wesley - we have 230.
Then it was time for bible study. However, Corey, the Disciple student leader, wasn't going to be there so we didn't have Disciple. Then Mariah, who leads a justice bible study, wasn't there either so a bunch of us 'refugees' from those groups got together and held our own bible study - which, ironically enough, was about refugees and pilgrims in Hebrews. That was pretty fun, there were five of us and we each had a different version of the Bible so we all read a verse and a half aloud to hear the differences.
And then Wednesday came along.
It started off okay, but then I had a Stat lab and I just could not get the stupid program to work. I was also realizing how much I had to do within the next two days, and the list was getting longer and longer as I thought about it. I was getting pretty close to freak-out mode, but then I went to Wesley between classes (like usual) and Pastor Glen offered up Jake to fix whatever problems I was having, and Jake said that was part of his job as the Wesley intern. That made me smile, which was good. I'm truely thankful to have Wesley Foundation in my life.
When I got back to my room, I tried working with the program again and eventually, I had to take a few breaks so I didn't throw Siruis out my window, I got the lab done. I celebrated with the canteloupe in my refridgerator (which was really good, and now I need more) and the Star Wars book I was on last night (it's a different one this morning). After a Club Sports Presidents and Treasurers meeting (where I got to learn how to be a treasurer, even though I've been doing this since last March...), I watched Firefly with a bunch of people in the house. Firefly is a show that was on the SciFi channel, and I kinda came acoss the Firefly Night by accident last week but I enjoyed it so I'm planning on continuing to watch.
And then today started out fairly okay, I still had quite a bit to do. I've been listening to the Star Wars soundtracks all day, though, so that's kept me sane.
For Spanish, I'm researching the Aztecs and their history and religion. While reading their creation story, this part jumped out at me: (the gods had to sacrifice temselves to become the sun for the earth)
The proud god Tecuciztecatl offered himself, but the other gods preferred the humble Nanahuatzin.  A great fire was built, but Tecuciztecatl was too afraid at the last minute to jump in.  Nanahuatzin did jump.  Filled with jealousy, Tecuciztecatl jumped after, followed by a brave eagle and jaguar.

Two suns began to rise in the east.  It was too bright - the gods threw a rabbit into the face of Tecuciztecatl to dim the light, and he became the moon.
A rabbit! I started laughing when I read that, I couldn't get over it. Of all the things to throw in his face, a rabbit?
So we have a possum infiltration, apparently. Andrew has caught 6 in the trap in the basement, and then there was one on the second floor last night. I was reading my book in bed when I heard what sounded like something falling off of a shelf. Confused, I looked around my room but nothing had fallen so I shrugged and went back to my book. Then a little while later, I heard people hitting doors and walls. Really confused now, I guessed they either really wanted to get someone's attention or were messing with someone trying to sleep. But then I heard Ben say 'How did it get up here?' and it clicked - the thing I'd heard was a possum and the loud noises were the guys catching it. I got up and opened my door to find Kyle reloading his nerf gun - they had had it trapped and he had been shooting it to get it to run into the cardboard box so they could take it outside.
We can't have pets here, so a few people (namely Patrick) have said that we should just start keeping all the possums and training them :] And then Michael said that he would just trap them to use for his weekly dinner. I said I was really glad I'm a vegetarian :D We're having a house meeting with Pastor Glen and Pastor Lana on Monday to get things figured out.
Tomorrow my mommy comes down to see me! Yay!
-Carly B

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Never Forgotten

We'll start with yesterday.
It was so much fun! Colleen and I drove down to Fortville, where she lives, and hung at her house for a while. It was fun to hang with her again, and it was nice to see her mom again.
Then came the concert. Blink 182 was headlining, and My Chemical Romance played before them. I know all of four MCR songs, and they played them all :D Unfortunately, I forgot my camera :[
Blink 182 is one of my favorite bands, so it was nothing short of amazing to be able to see them live. They're one of Colleen's favorites too, so we were singing along with all the songs. It was so much fun!
And so loud. At the end of the concert, I could feel my voice rapidly disappearing so I wasn't expecting to be able to talk at all today. Considering that, I was rather surprised when I was totally fine today. My guess was thet the smoke destroyed my voice last night, so once I got to the fresh air I was ok again.
Ten years ago today, I was in fourth grade. Mr Gowler turned on the radio in the room and that's how we learned about the attacks. The most I remember from that day was a lasting profound sense of confusion. When we first heard the radio, I was confused as to what was going on - it was hard to understand in the classroom. Then, when I understood, I was confused as to why. I'd never known war - unfortunately now it's pretty much all I have known. I know that My dad had been flying, so I was scared for him. Then they showed the video of people jumping out of the buildings, and that scared me too. My sense of curiosity was clashing with that fear, though, because I wanted to know all about what had happened so I kept watching what they were showing.
And that's all I really remember from that day. My mom has told stories about how she hadn't sent lunch with me and my brother so we got to get out of the school. She's also told how my brother asked her to turn off the news after a while because they just kept showing everything on repeat. My dad has told stories about how the people on the plane were claiming that the military was shooting down any planes still in the sky and that a million people had died.
The main thing I remember was wanting to know how someone could do this - to hurt so many innocent people.
Today, I played violin with Amanda in church - we had a hymn filled service because there wouldn't've been enough people for a praise band (by the way, I didn't know that America the Beautiful was a hymn...). After service and supper, five of us went to an Interfaith Rememberance Service in Lafayette. That was really neat, to see everyone coming together like that, but one thing that really sticks with me is what the Islamic speaker said. He was talking about the religious fanatics, and he said that there is no religion where it preaches to kill even one innocent person. Another woman was quoting the Bahá'i founder and said that anyone who claims to be religious through terror is not Godly - he is in the religion of terror.
So yes, that was a pretty cool thing to go see. And now we go back to our daily lives. I have homework due tomorrow so I need to pack my lunch to stay on campus to work on it. And then my mom is going to be here this Friday! :D :D
This Sunday (a week from today) is the Lafayette Hunger Hike. It's a 2 mile walk or 5k run and is to raise money for the area food banks and pantries. I'm planning on participating, so if you feel inclined to donate in any way shape or form, just let me know. Thanks :]

Friday, September 9, 2011

I look like a leper O.o

I do - my sunburn is peeling like mad and it looks like I have some sort of skin disease.
By the way, Dad, of all the genes you could have passed on to me, the one that makes me pick and peel at anything and everything on my skin is not the one I would've chosen...
But anyway, it's been a pretty uneventful week. Overall.
I ran out of books, so I was playing on the PS2 for a bit when I had no homework.
And then I realized that I wouldn't have a weekend so I spent Wednesday pretty much entirely at Wesley to work on stuff. And it's going to be a late night again tonight. Oh well, I can sleep tomorrow.
While watching Star Wars with Kyle, he recommended some of the Star Wars book to me - he's read them all, literally - so I went to the library on Tuesday. I got the first 2 in a trilogy and I'm about half way through the second :D I'm enjoying them too - I'm glad that I have him as a resource. I've wanted to read them for a while but I never knew which to read.
And after seing the first half of the Saints/Packers game, I decided to just read them some more rather than get more and more frustrated with the game. That wasn't the best defensive first half I've ever seen, on either side.
Oh, and then there was a man in a kilt standing on something outside of Class of 50 (lecture hall) and shouting, so that was interesting :] I also tried dying my hair with some blue streaks today - my hair's too dark so I'm hoping it'll bleach like the red did last year so I can redo it and have it actually be blue.
I also went grocery shopping today, and I found the fake meat section. I'm having lasagna and mashed potatoes for dinner sometime next week :D
Wow, this is a really short entry, especially compared to the last couple. But it was a rather mediocre week, so that's to be expected. I just can't wait for tomorrow - Blink 182 concert with Colleen! I'm excited :D And then next weekend is family weekend! By the way, mom, I've already got a list of things I would like you to bring - I'll let you know when it gets closer :]
-Carly B

Monday, September 5, 2011

And now it's time for an aloe bath

What a weekend.
It started on Friday night - Wesley has this thing called Friday Fellowship where people get together on Friday evenings for various activities. Last Friday was game night at Aldersgate. A group of people wanted to play this game called Bang - it's like a roleplaying card game. It was a lot of fun :D The group of us played 3 games before it got too late.
Saturday morning was the bike ride with Pastor Glen and Dale. That was a good ride. And it was a lot cooler than it would have been if we had gone out on Thursday, so that was nice :]
Then it was Football Time! I was standing with Andrew and Ben from the house and some of Andrew's friends, and we saw some other people across the aisle as well as Jake joining us after halftime. It was a fun game :D We were playing Middle Tennessee State University, and it was a pretty close game throughout the entire time. The fourth quarter was when most of the action happened. Our last touchdown was one of the best things I've ever seen - TerBush (our 5th different starting quarterback this calendar year, by the way) handed it off and Shavers just ran right through the mass o' people at the line of scrimmage and scores a touchdown. And then, when Middle Tennessee was going for the field goal to tie, we blocked it! It was so much fun. And it's nice to know that we can stick in there and come out on top of these close games - last year that didn't work out so well for us.
And it was so bloody hot! The high yesterday was supposed to be 95, but I think it was warmer than that. In the second half, there were some times when the students were cheering because a cloud had given us some shade. Just before halftime, I went to get a water bottle and I think I bought the last one in the stadium, for the time being. They got some more later, but they were going through them like mad. I really wonder how many ambulances and stretchers they went through - they had them all ready at the doors.
The band wasn't wearing their normal uniforms, which I thought an excellent decision on the part of the director - they would have been dropping like flies before they even go to do the halftime show.
The stadium wasn't very full, which was probably a combination of the heat and the fact that it's Labor Day Weekend. That meant that the student section wasn't very full either so all the sunlight was bouncing around the empty seats and I got fried. I also lost my sunglasses somewhere, but that's ok, the game was definitely worth it :]
After the game, Andrew invited us to join his parents tailgating. That was nice too, just relaxing after the game. His parents are really nice, they apologised for not having very much vegetarian things and promised to bring something if I joined them again.
It was around 7 once we got back to the house. Boise State and Georgia were playing at 8, as well as LSU and Oregon. Andrew, Ben and I were thinking about going over to Buffalo Wild Wings to watch them but Andrew went to see a friend and disappeared so Ben and I watched the games here with Kyle and ordered a pizza. That was entertaining, watching with them. The LSU/Oregon game started out pretty sloppy (and by 'pretty', I mean 'extremely') on both sides, so Kyle was saying that all the players should get penalties for being idiots and I was just laughing at what was going on in the game. There was one play where Oregon threw an interception, and then the next play was almost an interception in the other direction - I was cracking up. The Oregon almost interception was a play where the LSU QB threw it behind the receiver and the Oregon player caught it, rolled on the ground and got back up to run it into the endzone. They reviewed it and saw that the ball hit the ground before the guy caught it, but Kyle was saying that he should get pentalized because he would've been down anyway and yet he still got up and ran up the field.
So, yes, Saturday was a good day :D
Now, as a comparison, the high for Sunday was 75. Amazing what a difference 24 hours can make.
It was really nice on Sunday, and I got to play bass with the praise band for service. I haven't played bass since Grease, so it was nice to play again.
After service, Spike was showing the original Star Wars and Empire Strikes Back. Kyle, Ben and I were watching and Catherine joined us for a bit. That was really fun - it's been a while since I watched them. We were talking about the changes that were made for the BluRay versions coming out. The only reason I have a Twitter is to follow Lord Voldemort and the Death Star PR department - and the DSPR team is bloody hilarious. See this link for more info on the changes (and some entertainment :D ). If you watch the video in that post, watch some of the others it links to - Ewoks blink now and Obi-Won makes a sound like Walrus Man barfing to scare off tuscan raiders.
Side note - the best insult ever: 'You stuck up, half-witted, scruffy-looking, nerf herder!' :D
Then it was 55 degrees outside when I woke up today for the canoe trip. I wore sweatpants, intending to take them off to canoe, but I wound up wishing I'd worn a long sleeve shirt as well. Once we got out in the canoes it wasn't too bad, but it was still kinda cool. By the last stop we made on our 3 mile canoe trip, it was actually pretty nice so people were swimming and playing frisbee in the water (there were people from UofI and EIU Wesley foundations, so we had like 50 canoes). After canoeing (and changing out of various wet clothes), we ate a snack and went for a hike. That was really cool - a group of 8 Purdue people (myself included) decided that we didn't want to wait in line to walk down the steps to the trail that everyone else was walking, so we went our own way. And that was cool - we were climbing on rocks and straying off the more beaten path. Eventually, four of them were walking faster so the other four of us made our own group so we could walk more slowly and enjoy looking around. And when we were walking back, we were walking with Pastor Glen and his son Isaiah retracing the path most of the group had taken out. And I liked our way out better - the way back was less rugged.
After hiking, we split up from the IL schools and we went to Crawfordsville (south of Lafayette) for dinner - to the home church of one of the Purdue group. It was nice to relax a bit, though I discovered that I somehow managed to cut my middle finger about a quarter of an inch above the bottom knuckle - like right next to where my finger meets my palm. I'm really curious how I managed to pull that off - whenever I needed to hold onto something, I used my palm or fingertips. It was stinging, and I think it's going to bruise, so I washed it out and put a bandaid on (by the way - definitely one of the more awkward places to put a bandaid, I had some trouble at first).
On the way back, we stopped for ice cream and there was a playground. That was exciting :D There was also a watertower that we wanted to climb, but it didn't look like the ladder would support us very well and someone thought it was against the law so we decided against that.
Such a fun day. What isn't fun is all the homework I'm going to have to do since I've been putting it off all weekend...
May the Force be with you.

Friday, September 2, 2011

There's a reason October is my favorite month...

Happy Friday :D This week's been a pretty good week.
Tuesdays are the other night that Wesley operates - they have bible studies and devotion and communion. Last Tuesday, they also had the Winterization crew callout.
Winterization is a huge service project that Wesley organizes and it's where about 500 volunteers from all over campus go to homes of the elderly in the Greater Lafayette area and help the owners 'Winterize' their houses - basically it's a lot of raking and cleaning windows. I volunteered last year, and this year I'm going to help set it up - either mapping out the homes volunteers are being sent to and/or registering everyone when they show up that morning.
After that meeting was the bible study I'm doing - Disciple. It's a 3 semester bible study - I'm excited. We took a break halfway through to sing some songs with everyone else (all the other bible studies start at 8) and it was back to Disciple. After everyone was done, we all gathered again to sing some more and hear a devotion.
The Wesley building has some appartments that people can live in, and one of the residents is Mario. It was his birthday on Tuesday, so he did a birthday devotion and we all took communion. It was all pretty fun, albeit busy. My Tuesday evenings are going to be spent entirely at Wesley from 6-10 until Winterization, then it'll just be 7-10 :] I'm excited for it though - should be lots of fun.
Then we had a short orchestra rehersal on Wednesday - an area orchestra needed the band room to have their rehersal - so Kappa Kappa Psi (a band and orchestra co-op service fraternity) had a cookout for whoever wanted food. It was Andy's (our conductor) birthday, so we all sang to him then. The look on his face was hilarious when we started - just a look of 'there they go' resignation.
Thinking of KKΨ, I wanted to rush last year but wasn't sure if it was band and orchestra or just band. While talking with some of the brothers on Wednesday, they said that orchestra was accepted too - and they seemed like they kinda wanted some orchestra members instead of all band geeks - so I think I might rush this year. We'll see what happens come January.
And now thinking of bands, it's been in the upper 90s all this week - and the marching band has gone out and practiced every day on their asphalt practice field. I commend them - it's really bloody hot. What's even better, my room has no AC - my fan hasn't been turned off since Wednesday morning. The nice thing is it's pointed right at me when I'm sitting at my desk, so that's good. The unfortunate thing is that means it's not pointed at me when I'm sleeping so I have a minor heatstroke when I'm in bed. And if you were wondering what the title means, October is my favorite month and fall is my favorite season for many reasons, but the foremost right now is that I would love it if it were 20-30 degrees cooler and stayed that way until winter.
Pastor Glen and I had planned to go on a bike ride yesterday, but it was really warm (for the house dinner, five of us had some sort of sleeveless shirt on and Ben was joking about calling Domestic Services claiming that we were being abused because we didn't have any AC) and he had things to do, so it was postponed till tomorrow morning. Then other people wanted to join or hike, so we turned it into an Alternative Breakfast Club (I'll explain the term in a moment) like the adventure we had last week. I'm excited :]
Ok, Breakfast Club is a tradition we have at Purdue. Basically, everyone who's 21 gets dressed up in some sort of costume (anything from Coach Hope to the rival coach to Bert and Ernie to a Care Bear) and go to the bars before the game. And by before, I mean they're there by 7 or so in order to have enough time to drink before the game (which is at noon). And then most of them go to the game (still hammered) so that makes the student section an interesting place to be :D I'm just excited for the football season to start up - our first game is tomorrow!
Boiler Up!
-Carly B