Monday, December 19, 2011

'What in the name of Joe Montana is going on in the NFL today?'

-Ryan Hossler, regarding Sunday's games. I enjoyed it :D
This week has been an annoyingly long week, it's good to finally be home again.
Monday was entirely consumed by Linear Algebra O.o I went to Wesley in the morning and studied until 6.30, when I left to take the exam. Relatively early on in the day, I was starting to freak out but a friend called me - he had said that he would sometime over the weekend to help me calm down, and felt like he should at that specific time time :] It was really nice though - Seth was there for most of the day and he helped me not to freak out too badly as the test got closer and closer :]
Tuesday I got up and went to brunch right before my Stat final. Which was a lot easier than I had anticipated - I finished in about 45 min. That was good though, because Kyle was having a Lord of the Rings marathon in the Wesley basement and I wanted to watch :] I was managing to study for a bit, then my back started hurting (I was sitting in a plastic chair - more comfortable than a folding chair, but not for the 11+ hours of the movies). So I switched to a more comfortable chair and it was game over. I didn't even get up to eat dinner - oops :] We finished the movies right at 9.15pm (they were started at 10.30am or so - it was the extended editions), just in time for Tuesday evening sommunion to start. Kyle, Julia and I were the last ones downstairs, waiting for the final fade to black. We wound up running up the stairs to join everyone else and had to sit in some chairs behind the circle :D
Wednesday was another brunch - this time at the Baptist Student Foundation - a bunch of those students are friends with Wesley people. Then it was time to study for my accounting exam - it was at 3.20 and I wasn't sure how it was going to go as I walked in. However, I felt more confident on more of the questions than I had expected, so that was nice :]
Neither Seth nor I had an exam the next day, so wht do you suppose we did that night? ;D Yay Skyrim :]
There was another Wesley brunch on Thursday. After, three of the four COM exec members were there so we had a mini meeting, just going over some general things.
That day, I decided to do nothing - not worry about the final the next day or the previous three, so I read and watched Skyrim all day :D It was a most excellent day - aside from the headache that developed. Yay for Target brand Aleve :D
Friday I got sucked into the 'I've got all this time to study, and I really don't want to... or need to...' mindset, so I mostly read that day as well. The exam was for Spanish, and I feel like I did pretty well. Unfortunately, it wasn't until 7 at night so I had all day to think about studying as I read my book.
One nice thing about college is all the crazy stuff that goes on :D In my macro class last year, Gumbi walked in during the middle of a lecture. People have had Darth Vader walk through lecytures without the professor realising. And, during my Spanish final, a gorilla chased a banana in the front of the lecture hall and out the back. It was hilarious :D
After the final, I went to the Robyne's house - they were having an open house of sorts for Wesley people. We were hanging for a while before having a White Elephant gift exchange. Julia, Matt and I didn't bring presents so we were a team :] The best present of the night was Jake's - it was the apple, mustard and mayonnaise in the lunch box from Exploration - back in mid November. I was sitting with Julia, and we were cracking up when someone opened it :D Then some people had to leave, so Seth, Dale, Matt and I played Hearts. And boy did I suck. I must have gooten the bloody Queen of Spades 7 of the first 10 rounds O.o Eventually, it started evening out, but not before I informed the three of them that we were no longer friends. They got nicer after that ;]
Saturday the sophomores had a spontaneous lunch gathering before everyone left. It was pretty nice :] We all dispersed around noon, so that's when I started my trek home.
And I got stuck in traffic again O.o This time it was at miles 215-222 (for perspective, I get on the interstate at mile 178). That was annoying, especially when the entire block of traffic seemed to suddenly start moving again. But I had my Christmas music playing and some peanut butter cookies from Colleen, so it wasn't too bad :D I made it home in pretty good time, and got to help my mom start the mass amounts of cookies that we make every Christmas :]
Today we got up relatively early to go to tea at the Drake Hotel downtown with Nicole and Mrs Cihock :D That was super fun, it's great to hang with the girls.
We got back in time to watch some football :] However, we also discovered that the league seemed to have rolled over and everyhing got shaken around. The Packers lost, the Colts won, and the Eagles are 'In the Hunt' for a playoff berth (by the way, they're 6-8). I wish I could've seen some of those games.
I had dinner with my family and then went with Nicole to Steven's house for a bit. That was fun, I got to see a bunch of people :D And we've made plans for the week: I'm getting my wisdom teeth removed tomorrow, Mason's getting his taken out on Tuesday and Steven's having surgery on Thursday, so Wednesday night we're going to see the Muppet Movie (only Mason and I will be in a Vicadin-induced state) and then on Friday Steven, Mason and I are going to enjoy the company of other drugged-up friends :D It should be some fun times!
Well, I'm tired so I'm going to sleep. I don't know how often I'm going to update these next weeks - I go to St Louis on the 25th, then Colorado on the 30th and I get back to school on the 7th. So I guess that'll be when I write about Colorado and share stories.
So Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! See y'all in 2012 ;]
Till then,
-Carly B

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