Monday, November 21, 2011

Sleep Deprivation, part ii

It's been an interesting week. And, like the title suggests, I didn't sleep very much.
Wednesdays I have classes 8.30-9.20 and then 9.30-10.20, so when I woke up at 9.24 on Wednesday it was the first time I'd unintentionally slept through a class. At first, my brain thought it was Thursday, when my first class is at 10.30, so I just thought that I'd have to get up and get going pretty quickly. Then I woke up further and remembered that I had a statistics lab in 6 minutes. I was only 10 min late, though, a feat which I am rather proud of, seeing as it usually takes me about 30 to get ready and leave the house, much less get to class.
Then Thursday was my second Linear Algebra midterm. I was really nervous, and really my whole week had been in anticipation of it so once it was done it felt like the weekend :] Walking back to Aldersgate, I talked with Jonathan so that was cool, it was nice to actually talk with him again.
Friday I had originally planned on going rock climbing with Wesley people, but I was feeling nauseous (since the previous day) and I felt that climbing up things would not help my situation at all. So Seth and I hung out that evening - we had some french toast and tea for dinner before he rented Skyrim and I watched him play. That game is so cool! Catherine and Ben were with us as well for some of it, and we all decided that the area Seth was in was one of the creepiest places we'd ever seen. We stayed up pretty late, Kyle joined us after his Christmas Show rehearsal. We were all up until about 2 before we decided that we should probably go to sleep seeing as how Seth and I had to get up to winterize Aldersgate and Kyle ad a President's Council thing to go to in the morning.
We got the leaves all raked up and cleaned the gutters - and some of those gutters had turned into planters with all the leaves that had been there, there were plants growing in some of them.
Then it was time for football :D Thankfully it didn't rain - I probably wouldn't've stayed for the whole game if it had started.
And what a mediocre game. There were some good plays, but what really ticked me off was how, on our last play, Marve tried to get the touchdown rather than just running out of bounds - thus stopping the clock and setting up a first and goal on the 1 yard line. Instead, he fumbled it and it went to Iowa.
Andrew, Ben and I were venting about that the entire way to Andrew's parents' tailgating. It was nice to sit and talk for a while after the game.
After that, a few of us Wesley sophomores got together for dinner and bonding. We went out to a Mexican restaraunt and then back to Aldersgate for a game. However, a bunch of guys were in the house planning for the Thanksgiving dinner the following night, so they made the four girls walk somewhere else so they could take their things over to Wesley to get it all set up. Once we were allowed inside, we got a game of Taboo going. I think the numerous games of Buckets with my family helped me - I was prett good at describing the things and guessing what others were trying to say :] That was a lot of fun, it was nice hanging with all of those guys.
We split up after the game was done, the guys going to Wesley to help set up and the girls went to Shilpa's apartment to plan for the Christmas dinner. The men and women of Wesley (MOW and WOW) switch off every year preparing a themed dinner for Thanksgiving and Christmas. The men had Thanksgiving this year, and the women have Christmas. I'm really excited for our dinner, we've got a pretty cool theme :D
After the planning session, I went back to Aldersgate and realized that my voice was dying, it's the first time I've lost my voice from a football game :] I watched some of the late college games with Kyle for a bit, then we were both tired enough that we just went to sleep at like midnight.
Of course, I was lying in my bed half asleep three hours later wondering why my nose felt so weird. I went to rub it, then saw the blood and was suddenly wide awake. My bathroom is down a flight of stairs, and I'm so glad that I forgot to turn the light off when I went to sleep because I swear those stairs are going to be the death of me. I got my nose to stop, then saw how bloody my hand and shirt were. Then I went to check on my sheets and there was blood there too. So I couldn't just go back to sleep, annoyingly. I got my shirt and sheets changed, and as I was putting the new sheets on, Ben, Pat and Seth walk up and were surprised to see that I was still awake. I told them that I actually had been asleep, but woke back up and Seth commented that it sounded like I'd just woken up since my voice was about an octave deeper than normal - it had gotten worse from the three hours before.
Finally, at about 4, I fell back asleep and when I woke up at 8.30, I decided to go back to sleep since I had to deal with that :]
During the day, Andrew was getting the food ready and the whole house smelled like pumpkin pie - it was great :]
I played violin with the praise band during service yesterday, so that was fun. Then it was time for the MOW dinner.
Ben sat up at the front of the Great Hall and read us a story (from a dictionary :] ). The first one was about knights, and there was supposed to be people coming in from the side door, only it was locked :D That was pretty much hilarious. Then he said that was the wrong story, and instead owls (of which Pat made an awesome one :D ) flew in and delivered Hogwarts letters to us all :]
We indicated what we wanted to eat, and then Hagrid (Matt Rogers, my Winterization Supplies partner) took us all to be Sorted. I was in Gryffindor :] (which told me that they just randomly assigned us houses - I'm so not a Gryffindor :] ). After the Sorting, we went to a class. The one I went to was Divination, others went to Potions. Our class was really funny, Christian and Pat were trying to avoid ad libing and passing it off on the other :D Then it was time to eat. They had tables for each House and the area looked really spiffy - there were lights on the ceiling. They also sang Do You Believe in Magic? to us :D It was super fun, and Andrew's pumpkin pie was really yummy :]
The praise band for next week practiced after the dinner, since it's Thanksgiving and we won't really have time to practice otherwise. I'm playing violin and bass - two on one and two on the other. So for one song, I might have to sling the bass around to by back and play violin since I won't have all that much time in the transition. Should be interesting. I'm also going to play with Shilpa for hymn of the week.
When I got back to Aldersgate, I joined Pat and Kyle watching the Purdue basketball game. Once the Eagles game started, we were switching back and forth between the two. However, once Purdue decided to suck it up, it turned into a fight between Pat and Kyle - Kyle wanted to change the channel and Pat wanted to watch the end of the game (I have no idea why - it was disgusting).
It turned into a party in the second floor common room. It started with Kyle, Pat and me, then Ben joined us, Matt Milligan and Hannah came down from the third floor (they're dating), Seth came up to wait to use the xbox (he hadn't known I was an Eagles fan before, so he was wondering who I was cheering for), Andrew was there once he was done at Wesley and Michael came up to hang for a bit as well. It was pretty fun with everyone there :]
And it was even better because the Eagles won! Woo! Once the game was over, it was just Seth, Kyle, Ben and me in the room and Seth ook over to play some more Skyrim. Kyle and I were attempting to do homework, it went marginally well. I had Spanish class at 7.30 first semester last year, and I thought that was hard until I was trying to watch a video and write a review about it in Spanish at 1.30 in the morning O.o I was up until 2 again this morning, and the others were even up after me.
Though, staying up until 2 may or may not have been the best life choice I've ever made, seeing as how I had an 8.30 this morning, as well as a bunch of homework. (It was worth it, though :D ) I got up in time for class, though, so that was good.
Then Stat was a short class, so I just went to a lab to get the homework started. I got everything I needed to do on the computer done in my time between Stat and Spanish, including my Accounting homework, and I aslo got the Spanish book work done. That was a nice feeling :]
After Spanish, I went to Wesley to finish my Stat homework and I got back to my room at about 2, discovering on my way up that my Gungor CD arrived :D
And now it is 4.30 and I still have not packed at all for this weekend. I'm driving home right after orchestra, so that means I've got about an hour to pack and wash my dishes (I really don't want to just have them sit over the weekend) and eat dinner. I'm not a procrastinator, I'll just do it later.
-Carly B

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