Sunday, November 6, 2011

A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.

Well, it's been an interesting week.
I had tests on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, annoyingly. However, they were for Statistics, Spanish and Accounting, so it wasn't too bad. And with the Accounting one, I actually felt more confident on more problems than I had expected to feel confident on, so that was nice.
Then Winterization took over. After my accounting final on Thursday, I went over to Wesley to sort and count supplies. The others had gotten everything sorted by groups by the time I got there, but I had to go around and count how many things each group had so that I knew what they should be checking back in on Saturday. (By the way, our rake count is up to 260.) After counting and recording everything (plus rearranging things for another group that was made) I helped some of the mapping folks at First Church with copying and putting driver packets all together. That was fun, and we were there till midnight, then Pastor Glen and I stayed a little later at Wesley to figure out why there were extra house sheets left over once everything was put together. We got things sorted and agreed to meet up to finish it at 12.30, after my last class (and less than 12 hours later...).
Friday, Glen and I got everything worked out and then we had another prep at St Thom's - St Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church, they let us use their building since 556 people would never fit in Wesley all at once - and I joined the registration group, my other task for the weekend. We actually finished fairly early, then a bunch of us in A-gate got a game of Bang! going. Our first one went really quickly, so we started another when more people came over after a SAG meeting. The toughest position in the game is the renegade - basically, you want to be the last one alive at the end, and you want the last person you kill to be the sheriff. And that's what I was for that second game, and I won! It was pretty exciting - I've never actually won before.
So, on Saturday morning, I set three alarms with a snooze of 3 minutes each - basically, starting at 5.12 there wouold be an alarm going off every minute, I wanted to shower and have time to fully wake up before going over to Wesley by 6.30.
So, when Stephanie called me at 6.38, I was pressing buttons on my phone, trying to figure out why the alarm wouldn't turn off when I realized that Hula Girl at Heart was playing - my ringtone. I managed to either sleep through a half hour of alarms every minute, or I turned them off in my sleep. Swearing slightly, I jumped up and went to check on Kyle - that's what Stephanie had called about, evidently he had overslept as well. We were both ready in about 2 minutes and went on over. Luckily, we were there by 6.48 - still on time based on Wesley time. Things went pretty smoothly from there, the only thing that made me want to freak was when 2 groups said they didn't have supplies waiting for them. I knew they did, so I went down to see what had happened. Well, another group's stuff was still there and they had already left so we just gave that pile to once of the groups. Then the other group said that apparently their other half had already collected the stuff.
I helped set up the eating area for a little bit until I had to set up where Shilpa and I would be working at checking people back in. I brought my phone so that there wouldn't be just one phone for Shilpa to use as the home base, and it was pretty funny to watch her juggle three calls (2 on her phone and one on mine) at one point :] And I decided that I was the self-proclaimed Supplies Queen of the day - I had the master list and was checking in supplies and then organizing where everything was going to be put away. It was a fun day, even though it was super long.
And that wasn't even the end of my day. It was the fifth of November yesterday, Guy Fawkes Day. I got together with some people from orchestra and we went to a Chinese restaurant for dinner and then over to a house to watch V for Vendetta, an excellent movie :] I was incredibly tired and almost fell asleep multiple times during the movie, but it's one of my favorites so I managed to stay awake the entire time.
This morning I woke up at 9.30, thinking that I had slept in nicely before I remembered that it was Daylight Savings last night, which meant that it was actually 8.30. I decided to just curl up on a couch downstairs and read. I had to make a grocery store run, and after that I went to Wesley to play with the Praise Band. I was originally going to play the bass, but at practice on Friday I said that, considering that the songs we were playing were slower, more mellow, I thought bass wouldn't sound the best, so I played violin. I had a mic set right up next to my violin while I was playing and Dale had that mic cranked all the way up, but people said that it sounded good so I guess it worked :] I also got to exercise my improvisation skills - I've had a rather sheet music-based musical education, so I'm not entirely comfortable improvising parts. But, like I said, people liked it. And Jake helped me out beforehand, so that was good.
After dinner, we had our first Bikers For Jesus meeting of the year. We decided that it's either going to be the first week after graduation in May or the week before BGR in August. Unfortunately, the August week is also going to be the Boundry Waters canoe trip, so if they wind up overlapping, I'm going to have to choose. Our location choices are exciting - if it's in May we'll either go from here to Nashville, here to Appalacia, or along the Gulf Coast. Or, if it's in Auguat, we'll either go from here(ish) to Niagara Falls, around Door County in Wisconsin, or drive to Niagara falls and bike a trail to Toronto. I'm excited for any of them :D
After Wesley, I watched the first half of the Steelers v. Ravens game - it's pretty funny when Kyle and Ben are playing each other in the fantasy league and they both have players in the game :] And it's a close matchup between them too.
One good thing about having a bunch of tests last week is that I don't have any homework due tomorrow :D
(who already has trouble staying awake in my 8.30 accounting class, much less with the sleep deprivation I've got going on right now. Tomorrow morning should be just so much fun...)

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