(I'm pretty sure our neighbors had a good weekend, but I'll get to that later.)
It was really nice on Monday when I didn't have Spanish (my oral exam was on Friday) :]
I started a paper on persuading people that they should read science fiction instead of just watching - and Word changed my 'Sith' into 'Seth', so it said 'the Jedi versus the Seth' - I told him and we laughed :]
I still had my com and stat classes, but after that I sat in the first floor common room to sand my Psi board and listen to Veggie Tales with Seth :D He was programming on the next couch over.
During the day, Mario, Catherine and I decided that we were going to see The Hunger Games together that night, so after orchestra we headed out. There was a preview for The Avengers - Catherine and I were comparing the hotness factor of all the guys while Mario was geeking out on Catherine's other side. I laughed :D I enjoyed the movie - it stuck pretty close to the book and I thought it was well done. Catherine and I agreed that we wanted to re-read the books now since we both hadn't in a while. After the movie, we went to Steak N Shake for a midnight snack. It was a really fun evening :]
And we were out till 2, so thank goodness I didn't have my MA301 class on Tuesday (I knew this before, which is why I agreed to go that night). Especially when I woke up at 8.30 - which is when I usually leave the house. Yeah, it's nice to not have that class today :]
My CS lab wasn't too bad, my tablemate and I got it working fairly quickly. Then I went to meet my Big and get her approval of my Psi membership board - we get this board to sand, paint, and then get all the active's signatures. And I was sanded, so I can start painting! :]
At COM exec we planned our Good Friday sunrise service - it'll be pretty cool.
After, I went back to Aldersgate and did some reading - which may or may not have been the best life choice, but i'm almost done now (I started The Hunger Games again that morning and was about 150 pages form the end).
So I've been in this group at Wesley and we're going through the Ministry Inquiry Process - Jake has to do it before seminary and so we've got a group to make it a little more interesting. Tuesday night we talked about what God wants us to do with our lives.
What does god want me to do in my life? He wants me to live.
That's the best way I could some up with to say it shortly - basically, I feel like God has a plan for my life, He just can't tell me yet. So He's telling me to be patient and keep living my daily life and go on mission trips (I like mission trips :] ) and be open to whatever - it's going to be great and I'm going to love it when it is revealed but now is not the time. Like, some people have plans of what they want to be doing in the future - where they want to be, what they want to be doing, things like that. Me, I'm like 'I want to do this, but this would be really cool too. And I want to live here. Or here. Or here. Or here. Or here. Basically, I want to live everywhere.'
So yeah, I've interpreted my indecision/lack of a specific vision for the future as God telling me to just enjoy living and be up for whatever he's got planned for me.
The Walkabout committee had a meeting and we got some good work done - our Walkabout is going to be pretty awesome :]
I went back to Agate after to do some more homework... or read.
Quick story: last semester, Kyle was playing Oblivion too much so he asked someone to take it and hide it. I obliged, and then gave it back during Dead Week (like he asked).
So then I was reading and complaining how I had homework and so Kyle took the book away - solution! I take his video games and he takes my books :]
I couldn't find any research on the whole reading v. watching thing, so I scrapped that paper and needed to pick a new topic.
Wednesday I wasn't going to be home much (like about 5 min was all I'd have) so I dressed nice in the morning so that I would be dressed or Second Degree in the evening. And I got a number of compliments too, so that was nice :] I was wearing my green one shouldered shirt and black skitr, and I sat outside for lunch. First sunburn on my shoulders of the year! O.o
At the Fellowship meeting we finilized the plan for the barn dance - it's gonna be fun :]
So Second Degree was at 9 and orchestra is done at 8, but I knew that if I went home I wouldn't want to come back so I just stayed on campus. Which meant that I was on campus from 9.15 am till 10.15 pm - it was a long day...
But Second Degree was really cool :] I don't think I can tell y'all about it, being a ritual and all, but my Big did get me a cool shirt - it has the KKΨ on the front and 'Keep Calm and Call My Big' on the back :D I can't wear it yet since it has the letters, but once I'm active that's going to be the shirt I wear the next day :]
After, I worked on some homework while watching Seth, Payton, and Kyle kill each other on the tv - it's entertaining :]
Thursday I woke up super bloody tired, and I even got more sleep than usual O.o Since I was about to pass out in class, as soon as I got back to the house it was naptime! That was really nice.
Today I had lunch with my big and grandbig, and Lauren's boyfriend Austin joined us. It was fun :]
What wsa really fun was when I went to put my computer away after CS lecture and I may or may not have managed to whack myself in the eye with it... O.o It was a little bruised and still hurts if I go to rub my eye. Winner.
House dinner was at the Robyne's - Lana made us some hamburgers (I got a black bean burger :D ), it was me, Jake, Kyle, and Catherine so that was fun :]
Then I had some fun trying to write my paper - now it's on persuading people tha there should be music in schools.
Friday I didn't have my stat class, so I worked on my paper and got to start painting my board. I did the borders at 4.30-6 or so, then I got the stencil and painted the design and was completely done at 7.30. Woot :]
We had a Halo night that started at about 8.30 - it was Kyle, Seth, Eric, Amanda, Payton, and Cassie (Payton's girlfriend) playing. I was sitting in my spot in the back working on my paper (none of them believed that I was, but I did actually get a lit done). I was still up till 4.15 working on it, but that's because I needed more sources and the interwebs was acting up. I got it turned in at 4.20 and got to sleep - still a perfect record of zero all-nighters for Carly :D
I went to sleep Saturday at 4.30 and still woke up at 8.53 - curse my circadian rhythm and its alarm set at 9. Oh well, I got to do some sanding of my board (the paint from the tape tore up some of the spots) and I got my book back from Kyle! And then finished it and started the next one :]
I was reading in second floor common room with Seth - Kyle had a Glee Club show and so Seth and I watched NCIS and relaxed. Our neighbors are loud. At one point, they were throwing a frisbee at beer bottles perched atop pvc piping stuck into the ground. I guess you gotta make do with what you have. They were also listening to country music rather loudly, and then started yelling 'Freedom!' I wanted to yell for William Wallace to calm down :]
Then Seth and I hear one say 'Freedom! I need a beer!' and we started laughing (hence the post title :] ). I said 'Yes, yes you do.'
We had a hymn sing for Palm Sunday, so the group gathered in the afternoon to practice a bit, then after I did some more reading :]
So Eric and Amanda are engaged (and they're adorable together :] ), so a group of us went to Olive Garden to celebrate them :] It was fun.
Then Catherine and I had an Aldersgate girls night - we watched Tower Heist. Catherine also got some hair dye, so we got to put that in. And Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory was on tv after, so we watched that too. It was a fun night :]
(On an unrelated note, Gene Wilder plays a crazy person so well :D )
And it was the second night in a row I was up past midnight - this week is going to be great... O.o
But it was worth it :]
Sunday I spent the day reading - I finished Catching Fire (Hunger Games #2) and can't start Mockingjay (Hunger Games #3) because Andrew is borrowing it, which might be a good thing...
Our neighbors were back at it today, only the country music wasn't back. This time they were listening to My Heart Will Go On - Seth and I cracked up when we heard it :D They also played some of the more popular songs :]
The Wesley hymn sing went pretty well, so that was good :] Then, at chapter, the BITs took our last quiz :D After, I stayed back to help make card garland for the band formal - the theme is Waking Up in Vegas. It's going to be fun :]
Today I had class and my registration time slot was at 2 - in the middle of my stat class. And my computer hates PAL (Purdue's campus wireless) so I registered for classes with my iPod - for whatever reason my iPod connects just fine when my computer doesn't accept my username and password... O.o
I needed my big sister's signature to get everyone else's on my board, so I got that and then Andy's after orchestra. Only 45 more! (or so...)
And now I'm watching Family Guy with Seth and Kyle and I'm going to dinner with JT tomorrow so I need to memorize his info so I can get his signature. I'm on my way...
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