Monday, March 5, 2012

The Indiana weather machine seems to be malfunctioning...

Another busy week. Hooray for taking 18 credits O.o
Monday I finished Shadows in Flight - the latest book in the Ender's Shadow series. I love Bean, he's my favorite character and he's the main character of the Shadow series. And I knew it was going to happen, but I was still sad when he died. It was really well written, though, so that made me happy.
And then I went to Probability and my friend asked 'So, are you ready for the quiz?' My first thought was 'bloody effing hell...' Yeah, I'd completely forgotten about it, so that was fun.
Then I got back to A-gate and saw that I had a card from Aunt Kelly! The front said 'Some money for the poor college student...' and I laughed - yup, that's me! :D Thanks, Aunt Doley :]
After orchestra , I decided that I was going to dye my hair - I had a box that I hadn't had time to use yet, so now I have red in my hair again :]
Tuesday I woke up obnoxiously tired. Thankfully, the lab wasn't too bad, we were able to get it done. Then I had exec and dinner with my whole Psi family :D (At least all of us that are still on campus.) I love my Psi familty - we're a fun group to hang with. There's my family from my facebook profile picture, as well as my grandbig - Lauren's (Larn's) big - Jason. It was funny - Larn dropped off Brent first after dinner. As he got out, we all said good bye.
Larn: Bye, Little.
Billy: Bye, Big.
Me: Bye, Twin.
Jason: Bye, Brent.
I enjoyed that :]
The Walkabout committee had a meeting where we decided to get thinking about designs and what we're going to do for the actual Walkabout - which is like a clue trail that we make for the actives.
As I was doing homework, I had some tea and put in the recording of Beauty and the Beast from senior year. I miss pit :[ But goodness, did I not sit up straight or use any bow?? Watching me play was painful.
And, of course, what is an evening for me without a bloody nose? I went to scratch my nose and swore rather loudly. They aren't all very bad (like sometimes one kleenex will do the job and it's done in about 2 min), but it's still getting real old real fast.
Wednesday I planned on getting up at 6.30, so I was actually got up at 6.50 - yay homework. However, it was a beautiful day! I think it was 65 ish degrees and I wore a nice shirt and jeans - no jacket. It was awesome :]
And I lovve orchestra and al, but Kimberly and I were rather glad that we didn't have orchestra that night. Our Wednesdays kinda suck.
And this particular Wednesday would've been even worse because of the speech I had to give in COM. So I timed myself in the morning and I was right at 6 minutes, so I cut out a sub-point (not a major detail). Then I didn't eat breakfast, probably a good thing since I felt like I was going to hurl before I actually got up to speak. And when I did speak, I wound up concluding at the 4 minute mark - what happened to the extra 2 I had?? I hate public speaking.
And it was no longer Wednesday - it turned into Wind's day! It's kinda funny, sometimes I kinda forget that I have red in my hair (not necessarily forget, I just don't think about it), then the wind blows a strand into my face and I'm like 'Ohmygod, red!' :] Mariah laughed at me for some reason when I told her... ;]
After CS, I got to relax and have a dinner of champions - peanut butter and pizza pockets :D Yay college :]
I watched the Star Trek pilot and was rather confused, so I wanted to watch the next episode but I had a headache and a test the next day, so I decided to be a good student.
It's alway fun to wake up and think 'Bugger, I thought I was tired yesterday...' Thursday I had my MA 301 midterm. It wasn't too bad, and then I got to go to lunch at Noodles & Co. with my Big and Grandbig :D Sometime maybe I'll get a picture of the three of us so y'all can see Jason.
Our house dinner was that night too, and then I had homework. And I think my nose might be trying to kill me via blood loss. Seven in two weeks (I think... I've lost count), yeah, like I said, real old real fast.
Friday was quite the interesting day of weather. Walking to Spanish, it was chilly and overcast. Spanish to the Math library and then the library to COM it was sprinkling a bit, not too bad. After COM, I walked out to see that it had rained heavily and hailed, and was still raining a bit. I had to meet someone in Marriott Hall, so I sat at a table next to the window rather than my normal spot in the basement of Beering. So I got to see when it was torrentially downpouring and hailing. That was nice to watch from inside :]
When it let up a bit, I went to class. And after that, it was a beautiful day. It remained that way through when I walked to A-gate to pack up for the weekend retreat and then back to my CS lecture. And then after CS, it was overcast and crazy windy again. Then once we got to the monestary, it was snowing. Like I said, the weather machine seems to be having a minor freak out...
We met at Wesley for the retreat, and it's a good thing I got there early since I forgot my pillow and sleeping bag. Mariah needed cash too, so we made a run back to get various provisions.
And we were off! When we got there, it was dark and the guest house was warm :] It was a cute little house too, complete with a spiral staircase. I don't like walking up and down spiral stairs, so I claimed an air matress on the ground downstairs. I was pretty deflated too, so that was nice - I like soft beds.
And it's a good thing I can fall asleep with lights on and people talking since I went to sleep in the living room while people were still talking.
Saturday morning we had communion with the monks. It was an Episcopalian monestary, so we got wine with communion (it was good wine too :] ). We normally have grape juice that we've dipped the bread into, so actually doing the passing of the chalice was interesting.
We had breakfast after communion and then a talk about the theme of the weekend - Imago Dei, made in the image of God. It was an interesting talk.
Some people went to spent a few hours in Three Rivers, the city nearby. I elected to remain behind so Liz, JJ, Jake and I went to the library to get some work done.
The library was so cool! I was enjoying looking around and found the English/Scottish history section - that was bad news, I did have to get work done after all.
At 3.30 one of the monks came to talk to us about the monastic life - it was pretty interesting. They basically pray, read, meditate, and take care of the buildings and cats all day.
It was tea time after the talk, and then Vespers - an evening prayer time. After Vespers, they had a 30 min meditation period that I and a few others stayed for. That was really neat, to be able to just sit in dark and silence for a period.
Dinner that night was an alfredo pasta - so yummy :] And then we had another group talk, this time we got to share our stories. That was really neat, to be able to hear what brought people to where they are today.
Some of us were leaving at 6 on Sunday, so we were up and at 'em at 5.30 - though we still didn't leave till 6.30, yay Wesley time :]
Christian and I wound up together in the front bench of the van and he couldn't find a comfortable position to sleep in, so we wound up trading off sleeping across the bench - basically with our heads in the other's lap. It was relatively comfortable, and nice to be able to take a nap after the lack of sleep that we got over the weekend.
Mario requested that I play the violin solo thing (and bits of the viola part) from Kansas's Dust in the Wind with him on guitar at Wesley, so when I got home I looked up the song and music and practiced it. The solo is the part from 1.30-2.12 of this video, and then I played the straight notes at the end too. (But, no, I didn't have hair or a beard like that :] )
At about 1pm, I thought about how much I had to do and decided that it could all wait so instead I played Kingdom Hearts :] I only had about an hour, so it was't too bad at all.
Then it was time for practice and then service. Unfortunately, I had to rush out after service because the BITs had a dinner at Roy's (one of our advisors) house and I was driving people there.
The dinner was fun - they made casseroles that I couldn't eat (meat) but the corn, salad, and rolls were very yummy. We watched the ending of the women's basketball game - we're the Big Ten champions! After two overtimes - that was a little stressful... During the meal and then after for a bit we talked with Roy and his wife, Sarah. It was pretty neat to hear about their lives.
When I got back to A-gate, Kyle and Seth were getting ready to play Halo so I watched them. I've never seen the actual storyline of Halo before, so that was interesting to see.
And now it's Monday morning and I'm about ready to count down the hours till Spring Break. I won;t get much sleep, but I haven't been anyway so it's all good :]

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