Monday, October 22, 2012

I don't think the answer is to take stimulants...

It's been an interesting week.
Monday didn't really start the week off that well, so that was annoying. I went to my first class, then preemptively skipped my next one to take a nap because I knew I would just fall asleep in class if I went. That was nice, then after my last class of the day I went to one of my Psi brother's house to help with the sanding and priming of the new pregame stars. Part of the marching band pregame show is a salute to America and the band forms a shield on the field, with peoople holding stars. My BIT class service project was building new ones, and we finally finished them halfway through the semester after. Yay, go team :]
Then it was time for orchestra, and then football :D And homework... I got it done, though, and then I was super tired. Plus the game wasn't looking all that good. I watched enough to see Denver score, then it was time to sleep. (I looked at the score later on, I should've watched more - it got good :] )
Tuesday I had my EAS lab and Stat class, then I had to work. And it was later when I got out of there that I had wanted, so I had homework to do and I didn't run - not the best day I could've had. I did get the stuffs done, while watching Robin Hood too :]
Wednesday I had my 2 earlier classes, then an hour break where I decided that I was hungry so I got an early lunch. After my next class, I went for a run and then it was orchestra time. I drove to orchestra because I had GABS rehearsal after.
That one was fun. I don't know what I'm doing - yay! The toobahs do all sorts of fun moves and things while playing, so I was following along and just kinda guessing. It was really fun though :D
And I was super glad that I drove since it was raining when we left. Unfortunately, though, I had the problem where I couldn't lift my arm very high and I forgot to get Geoff to give me a shoulder rub before I dropped him off. Oh well, I was tired enough that I just kinda crashed after getting home.
Thursday I got to sleep in! I had my one class of the day, then went to chill at Wesley before the exec meeting. And that evening, no one signed up to make food, so it was pizza for house dinner!
And then I watched The Princess Bride with Geoff - he'd never seen it before. The 'Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.' line was the one where he said 'Oh, that's where that comes from.' I figured that would be the one :]
Friday between classes we had a chapter services gathering to go through the things for ritual to see what was broken and needed to be replaced.
After my second class it was narsty outside so I read on a couch. All afternoon! :D That was nice.
Then I got dinner with Larn! I was petsitting for her for the weekend so she showed me where things were and things like that in her apartment.
Saturday I got up and went to work - where there was just a general sense of chaos that was kinda weird. We said that we hoped it figured itself out before the wedding that evening.
I took some time to chill at Larn's place with her puppy and kitty before going to dinner and Looper with Geoff. Since I kinda ditched him on his birthday (it was last Friday, Ricky's senior game) we postponed it till Saturday. After Looper (which was pretty good, plus Joseph Gordon-Levitt is pretty darn cute ;] ) we watched The Emperor's New Groove. It was a good evening :]
Sunday I got to sleep in, till about 9. I went for a run and might've gotten slightly lost on some trails though the woods. At least I wanted to go for a 45 minute run anyways... :]
Larn has Gnomeo and Juliet, so I watched that before going to the Psi cookout. Where I ate pretzels and an apple and water because it was all hot dogs and greasy chips and sugar.
After that, it was football time! And the Nightmare Before Christmas was on, so I watched that too :]
Then I needed groceries so I went to Kroger and when I got back I called to talk with my dad for his birthday :D And there was more football! And I was rather tired so I postponed typing this up to today.
Today I oake up at 8.30 - the time my first class starts. My first thought was 'well, crap' and went about getting ready for my other two classes.
I just kinda vaguely worked on homework and procrastination before orchestra.
That was a fun rehearsal. Some quotes of the day, brought to you by Andy King:
+Cool people never do anything too quickly. (telling us to slow down)
+First violins, you need to be a little sleazier about this. (talking about Carmen's Habanera)
+Pizzicato means play too quickly. (it actually means pluck the string, if you didn't know)
+Abstinence is the best policy. (one way of saying 'if you aren't playing in time, just don't play')
And, my personal favorite,
+I don't think the answer is to take stimulants... (the second violins were too slow and he was wondring how to help them go faster)

That was awesome :D And now the Bears are playing on Monday Night Football, woot!
Bear Down.

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