Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Well, at least there's only like a week left of this.
Last Tuesday (a week ago, sorry for the delay) I woke up and saw that it was supposed to rain and so planned on wearing my rain boots.
A half hour later, it was monsooning. There was so much water falling from the sky! Where was all this in the summer, when we needed it?
I went to my EAS lab, and after I was in rather incredible amounts of pain. My insides really hurt, so after my stat class (which I was about a half hour away from skipping all together, exam on Thursday be damned) I made a beeline to home to rest.
I spent the afternoon chilling on the couch, so it wasn't quite the productive afternoon I was hoping for, but I felt better by 5.30 when I went to meet the other basses to put together our costumes.
We were going to dress up as whatever, and across the top of our basses we made a Pac Man and had white styrofoam balls. We painted the Pac Man with a sponge, so the first few coats looked kinda funny but it turned out.
Wednesday I went to my classes and then made myself some ravioli :D I went for a run, then had orchestra and GABS till 10. And that was when I started to freak out a bit - my stat exam was in less than 24 hours and I hadn't really studied.
Thursday I woke up at 9 and proceeded to hole myself up in my room to avoid distractions and study. I took a break at 2.30 for the exec meeting, but other than that I was in my room all day.
The exam didn't go as poorly as it could have, but not as well as I'd hoped. Geoff had an exam too that evening, so afterwards we didn't really want to think - so we watched Captain America :D
Friday I woke up and it was rather cold outside - where had the nice weather from the previous day gone?
After class and some more ravioli, I wanted some bookstore therapy and went to Robots and Rogues - a local bookstore just across the river where I had some giftcards. To add to that, I watched Beauty and the Beast when I got back, but then had to work. I was on sound, though, and the speaker that I was listening to was kinda funny. He's an entymology professor here and he was talking about bugs, it was fun to listen to.
After work, I went to Exploration Acres with Geoff - they have a corn maze there and we wandered around that for a while before we were both cold and wanted to watch The Road to El Dorado and have some hot cider :]
Saturday I got up at 9.30 and went for a run before it was time to clean the house for the Halloween party that evening. After cleaning a bit, I had to make a Target run and go to work, so I missed the football game. (I heard about it later, I've never been more glad that I didn't watch a game in my life. Well, until I saw the highlights from the Eagles game on Sunday...)
And when I got back from work, it was time to party! I was Amy Pond and Geoff was Rory Williams (a couple from Doctor Who) and we knew that Mario and Catherine were going to be the doctor and River Song (another couple), so it was pretty funny when Heather walked in as the TARDIS, not knowing that there was already a group of themed characters there :]

The group of Doctor Who characters left to right:
Catherine as Dr. River Song
Mario as The Doctor
Heather as the TARDIS
Geoff as Rory Williams
Me as Amy Pond (Geoff and I both have hash marks drawn on our arms and faces, another reference)

I'm not really a partier (in case you couldn't tell :P ), though, so pretty soon after everyone started to disperse I went to bed.
Sunday I woke up at 10 - that was weird. I'm so used to waking up early that when I wake up after 9.30 I feel like I've wasted my day. And it's only 10 in the morning. Sometimes I wonder what's wrong with me... :]
I spent my morning getting ready for concert, and then it was time to play!

The concert went pretty well, and it was really fun too :]
There are more pictures from the party and concert on facebook, should you care to check them out.

However, I still hadn't studied so no church for me that afternoon, and and I had two exams before noon the next morning, therefore it was officially time to freak out.
I took a short break to go to chapter (where I heard there was quite the interesting party that a bunch of brothers went to on Saturday, and I'm actually kinda glad I didn't go - remember what I said about not being a partier? :] ) and saw a video that Kyle posted on facebook that made me laugh: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQBwVFDULQg
And sorry, I was studying instead of writing, so this didn't get written at my normal time on Sunday evening.
Monday morning went like this:
+exam at 8.30
+skip my 9.30 to study Spanish since I hadn't at all yet
+exam at 11.30
And then I fried and didn't want to study for my exam tomorrow... So How to Train Your Dragon was the obvious solution :]
I went to orchestra that evening and made an attempt at studying while watching football, but managed to stress myself into feeling physically ill again, so that put a stop to the studying.
Today I had my lab exam in the morning, and that didn't go quite as well as could've been hoped for... Hopefully I got a few anyways.
I had my stat class and then came back home and made some tomato soup and biscuits for lunch, yum :]
And then I've been writing this entry and watching Seth play Skyrim, and there's GABS rehearsal later on tonight (first game is Sunday!) so I'm hopeful that the ending of my day will go better than the beginning :]
Sorry for the delay, hope this entry is worth the wait :D
-Carly B

Monday, October 22, 2012

I don't think the answer is to take stimulants...

It's been an interesting week.
Monday didn't really start the week off that well, so that was annoying. I went to my first class, then preemptively skipped my next one to take a nap because I knew I would just fall asleep in class if I went. That was nice, then after my last class of the day I went to one of my Psi brother's house to help with the sanding and priming of the new pregame stars. Part of the marching band pregame show is a salute to America and the band forms a shield on the field, with peoople holding stars. My BIT class service project was building new ones, and we finally finished them halfway through the semester after. Yay, go team :]
Then it was time for orchestra, and then football :D And homework... I got it done, though, and then I was super tired. Plus the game wasn't looking all that good. I watched enough to see Denver score, then it was time to sleep. (I looked at the score later on, I should've watched more - it got good :] )
Tuesday I had my EAS lab and Stat class, then I had to work. And it was later when I got out of there that I had wanted, so I had homework to do and I didn't run - not the best day I could've had. I did get the stuffs done, while watching Robin Hood too :]
Wednesday I had my 2 earlier classes, then an hour break where I decided that I was hungry so I got an early lunch. After my next class, I went for a run and then it was orchestra time. I drove to orchestra because I had GABS rehearsal after.
That one was fun. I don't know what I'm doing - yay! The toobahs do all sorts of fun moves and things while playing, so I was following along and just kinda guessing. It was really fun though :D
And I was super glad that I drove since it was raining when we left. Unfortunately, though, I had the problem where I couldn't lift my arm very high and I forgot to get Geoff to give me a shoulder rub before I dropped him off. Oh well, I was tired enough that I just kinda crashed after getting home.
Thursday I got to sleep in! I had my one class of the day, then went to chill at Wesley before the exec meeting. And that evening, no one signed up to make food, so it was pizza for house dinner!
And then I watched The Princess Bride with Geoff - he'd never seen it before. The 'Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.' line was the one where he said 'Oh, that's where that comes from.' I figured that would be the one :]
Friday between classes we had a chapter services gathering to go through the things for ritual to see what was broken and needed to be replaced.
After my second class it was narsty outside so I read on a couch. All afternoon! :D That was nice.
Then I got dinner with Larn! I was petsitting for her for the weekend so she showed me where things were and things like that in her apartment.
Saturday I got up and went to work - where there was just a general sense of chaos that was kinda weird. We said that we hoped it figured itself out before the wedding that evening.
I took some time to chill at Larn's place with her puppy and kitty before going to dinner and Looper with Geoff. Since I kinda ditched him on his birthday (it was last Friday, Ricky's senior game) we postponed it till Saturday. After Looper (which was pretty good, plus Joseph Gordon-Levitt is pretty darn cute ;] ) we watched The Emperor's New Groove. It was a good evening :]
Sunday I got to sleep in, till about 9. I went for a run and might've gotten slightly lost on some trails though the woods. At least I wanted to go for a 45 minute run anyways... :]
Larn has Gnomeo and Juliet, so I watched that before going to the Psi cookout. Where I ate pretzels and an apple and water because it was all hot dogs and greasy chips and sugar.
After that, it was football time! And the Nightmare Before Christmas was on, so I watched that too :]
Then I needed groceries so I went to Kroger and when I got back I called to talk with my dad for his birthday :D And there was more football! And I was rather tired so I postponed typing this up to today.
Today I oake up at 8.30 - the time my first class starts. My first thought was 'well, crap' and went about getting ready for my other two classes.
I just kinda vaguely worked on homework and procrastination before orchestra.
That was a fun rehearsal. Some quotes of the day, brought to you by Andy King:
+Cool people never do anything too quickly. (telling us to slow down)
+First violins, you need to be a little sleazier about this. (talking about Carmen's Habanera)
+Pizzicato means play too quickly. (it actually means pluck the string, if you didn't know)
+Abstinence is the best policy. (one way of saying 'if you aren't playing in time, just don't play')
And, my personal favorite,
+I don't think the answer is to take stimulants... (the second violins were too slow and he was wondring how to help them go faster)

That was awesome :D And now the Bears are playing on Monday Night Football, woot!
Bear Down.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Men Who Stare at Goats - John's favorite Star Wars movie :]

Well this has been an interesting week.
Tuesday I made my annual Goebbert's trip with Nicole - that was so much fun! They had baby tigers in one of the animal tents - I wanted to take one home :] And of course we had to take pictures with the character cutouts:

We're so cute :D
After the farm, I had lunch with my daddy :]
But then it was time to head back to school. Silly school, getting in the way of my time with my family.
I made it, though, and decided that I wanted to watch Princess Bride for the evening :] 'So you'll put down your rock and I'll put down my sword and we'll try and kill each other like civilized people?' My favorite line :D
Wednesday it was so cold! I went to class and stayed at Wesley for a bit to see people. Then I went to orchestra and watched Fringe with Geoff and his roommates for a bit. Yeah, it was quite the uneventful day.
Thursday I got up and went to the grocery store before helping get the instrument petting zoo set up. In Psi we were hosting what we called an instrument petting zoo - we had a bunch of instruments that people could come and see. Well, I was going to help them set up, but then I may or may not have gotten in a fight with the self checkout machine and gotten delayed... Oops.
I went to my class and then we had Wesley exec. But it was so cold at Wesley! We were all freezing.
After exec, Liz and I did some camparing of apartments - like seeing what we both wanted and which places would fit that.
After house dinner, I had planned to do my Spanish homework and relax a bit. Then Jamie had an allergic reaction to some cold/cough medicine she bought so Mariah and I took her to St Elizabeth Central (the only urgent care place we could think of that would be ope, which was surprising given we're in a college town). That wasn't precisely fun, but we got to chat for a bit and it wasn't a severe reaction so it was ok.
Friday was rather eventful. I had class in the morning, and it was Geoff's birthday! It was also my brother's senior game so I was going to be ditching Geoff on his birthday. I had a good excuse though. Before I left to drive home I went over to his place so that I could see him for a little bit on his birthday :] We just kinda chilled at his apartment and watched his roommate play a video game. But it was fun :]
And then it was time for me to head home again. The drive was smooth, except for the 290/294 junction. That has the potential to be absolutely terrible - there's only one lane that switches between highways and that can get backed up pretty far. Recently it hasn't been bad at all, but Friday it was the worst I'd seen it in a good while. Other than that it was great, I got home when I wanted and I got to hang with my dad some more :] I gave him his birthday present too since I won't see him on his actual birthday.
Soon after I got home, Melissa arrived! And then was time for the game. But it was so cold! Melissa and I were shivering in our seats waiting for the senior presentations to begin. They honor the seniors of the football team, poms squad, cheerleaders and band so I was taking pictures of my borther and parents and various friends. I can't believe he's a senior O.o
Ugh, they lost too. That was unfortunate. But it was nice to get back home and into the warmth.
One thing, though, about that. I am super proud of my brother. He doesn't get to play all that much, but he was still standing on the sidelines at the line of scrimmage and watches every play, slapping guys on the back when they come off the field and helping people practice. It's also awesome to see how fired up he is in church and volunteering - he's a great kid. I really can't wait to see what he's got ahead of him.
Okay, that's enough big sister gushing :]
Saturday I was on the road again - wait, I feel like I just did this...
Oh yeah, because I did :]
I made it in time for the game, which was ugly from early on. In the second quarter it started raining, by halftime it was a steady pour. I had a green rain jacket that was left in the house, we didn't know whose it was so I snagged it. I saw inside the pocket yesterday, it's Kyle's. I texted him after the game, saying thanks for leaving it and that it was here if he wanted it back :]
Geoff and I went back to his apartment to get warm and put on some dry clothes :] We watched a bit of football before getting dinner with his mom and sister. That was fun, we moight have ganged up on him a bit ;] But it was nice to get to meet his family.
Back in his apartment, we watched The Men Who Stare at Goats - John (one of Geoff's roommates, the other's Joe) and I both think that movie is hilarious and Geoff hadn't seen it. The whole thing is one big Star Wars reference, hence the title of the post :D
And then it was time for Carly to go home and sleep, I was tired.
Today I had stadium cleanup in the morning - for Psi we help clean up Slayter as a fundraiser kind of thing. And after that I got to relax! I watched The Road to El Dorado - I love that movie :] It's so funny!
Between that and church, I watched some football. The Dallas-Baltimore game was a good game, I just wish they'd've shown the Eagles playing Detroit - Geoff's a Lions fan since his dad's in Detroit so I really wanted the Eagles to win. So of course they didn't.
I was a bit late to church because I wanted to see the ending of the Ravens game (They won - yay the Cowboys lost! :] ) and then I had the Eagles Gamecast on my computer. Once that game went to overtime, though, I decided that I needed to leave :]
There was an inordinate amount of dishes to be washed, so our COM meeting was a dish washing party :] We cranked them out, so that was good. Then it was time for chapter, and it was quite the long chapter meeting... We have to do a self-evaluation kinda thing so that took a chunk of time.
At least I've gotten to watch football after :D Though the game isn't as good as I thought - the Texans shot themselves in the foot and so the Packers seem to have run away with the game.
However, I'm not going to watch the end because I have class tomorrow.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Someday my prince will come.

It's been quite a week :]
Monday I woke up late so just threw on a sweatshirt and jeans for class, and then since we got 7 touchdowns against Marshall it was 35% off at University Bookstore :D And our air ducts were cleaned that day! That's exciting, they were looking pretty bad and we had no idea how long ago they'd been cleaned last...
Orchestra wasn't too bad, and after I got some more practice on tuba. It was a rather uneventful day, mostly because I was tired.
Tuesday we learned about volcanoes in lab, that was nifty :] I finished in time to run before my next class, and I'm glad I ran when I did - it was disgusting outside after Stat.
I chilled at Wesley to do some homework, but I mostly wound up making fun of Lisa ordering Jimmy Johns. She was on the struggle bus, but she also had an exam that night so we cut her a little slack.
After band I played some toobah - and I actually played a song! (read as: somehow busted out a few notes in a song...) That was exciting though :]
Wednesday was another narsty day. I had class and composites for Psi (like a large thing of pictures of all the actives in KKPsi and Tau Beta Sigma), so my hair went into a ponytail after that :] I did my Stat homework and wrote 'districat' instead of distribution at one point - I was singing Everybody Wants to Be a Cat at the time :] After orchestra I practiced a little more tuba for my GABS audition on Thursday, and I was hitting notes kinda on cue :D
Thursday I didn't have anything to do till 10.30 or so, and it was nice to be able to get up when it's already light outside :] And it was beautiful outside!
There was a housing fair that day, and I'm going to be in an apartment with Liz Irk (from Wesley) next year so we went there to get some ideas.
I went to my class, and then it was time for my audition. I hate auditions, I just had to play a B flat scale and I could play the scale five minutes before I went into Pam's office...
I went to the farmer's market between Elliott and Wesley, but they were out of pumpkin bread so I got some yummy banana bread.
We had exec, and then I had nothing to do until the house dinner so I did some sudokus. And after dinner, we had a fire in the fire pit outside :D That was nice, to be able to just relax with friends.
Friday was cold and narsty again, what happened to the beautiful day we had yesterday??
I went to my classes of the day, and then decided to redo my iPod - delete all the songs! I wasn't able to finish before work, so after I got back I finished that out.
Saturday I got to sleep in! I wasn't scheduled to work, so when Reed (one of my brothers) called me all confused about Slayter Sales I went to help her. Before the football game, the marching band has a concert called Thrill on the Hill that they play on Slayter Hill and Psi sells some shirts and things there. Neither Reed nor I had ever done Slayter sales before, so she didn't know where to get things set up so I went to help her and we got it worked out :]
The game was supposed to be good... Heh, 'supposed to' being the operative word. That was ugly, and it also got really cold. But after I got some pizza and watched more football with Geoff in his warm apartment, so that was nice :]
I was debating between driving home for a few days after the game, but I was cold and tired so I decided to sleep early and get up early to drive.
Sunday I was up at 7 and on the road at 7.40, so I got home at about 9a central time. That was nice, I got to spend the day chilling with my mom and dad :] We watched football and helped paint for my brother's Eagle project. And then it was time for more football - the Bears were playing so we watched that :] And they won!
We had a relaxing evening after that, it was pretty awesome :]
Today I watched Snow White before going to the mall with my mom, that was fun. We just kinds wandered around and got lunch and cheesecake :D
And now we're chilling at home for the evening, it's nice to be home and not worry about school :D