Sunday, April 29, 2012

Number one way to make you look innocent: Run away from the cops as fast as you can.

Blogger's got a new look - it confused me when I first logged on.
And hey, I'm actually getting to this on time (my usual time anyways) :D
Friday (like last Friday, the 20th) I had class and it was a narsty day. We didn't have CS, so I was done at 2.30 :D That was nice.
At 6.30 I went to see the Hunger Games with Geoff. He enjoyed the fact that a baker was named Peeta (like Pita bread :] ). We went to the Battle of the Bands thing on Slayter Hill (a Grand Alternative event) after, it was chilly though. We both agreed that it should be warmer at the end of April.
As a point of clarification, last week was Grand Prix week - basically the week of the heaviest drinking on campus all year. This is why there's Grand Alternative events all week - to promote not drinking. The free pancakes we got on Wednesday after Third Degree was a Grand Alternative event.
Saturday I got up at 8.45 and decided to read for a while. A while meant I was in bed till 11, heh, oops :] The Grand Prix race was that day, but I had to do laundry and get some groceries so I decided against it. I did get a bit done though.
My great great grandbig (I think, Jason's grandbig so Larn's great grandbig, so yeah I got it), Dana, was in town so we had a family dinner (minus Billy, his family was in town for the concerts). Jason and Dana are dating, so she was in town to see him. It was cool getting to meet her :] It was a weekend of concerts, and  Saturday night was the one that Billy, Larn and Brent were in. They're all in the same band - I'm the family black sheep. Frank Ticheli was a guest conductor for all of their bands, he conducted the pieces that he composed. During the last band (3 played that evening), Ticheli was conducting Vesuvius and partway through he threw his baton. I was cracking up :D
After the concerts, I went back to agate and read a bit while watching NCIS and CSI with Kyle.
Sunday I did some homework before I had to get ready for my concert. When I did go to get ready, I discovered that I seem to have gotten taller recently - my orchestra dress doesn't fit anymore. So I put on my black skirt with a black tank top and cardigan-type thing. I got some compliments, so I guess it worked :]
Our rehearsal was at 1 (I got a pretty sweet parking spot too :D ), and then the concert started at 2.30 - our section went pretty well. It was fun :] I stayed to help with taking things down after Philharmonic - and they just keept playing! I think they played an entire symphony. It was good, though :]
I went straight from Elliott to church, and then after the COM meeting there was Psi elections. I was really looking forward to just being able to relax the rest of the evening, when I realised that I forgot to go to Walgreens for some drugs so I went in my sweats. I think that was the first time I went somewhere (not like driving to IL) in my sweats since I went to London. I had to dress nicer every day in London, so now I can't go out in public in sweats, I have to at least put jeans on.
Monday it was back to class, and between classes I went to hang in Elliott.
Lana told us that Liz would be coming over to check out the house, so we had a cleaning party :] Seth, Kyle and I got the second floor common room looking spiffy - we agreed that Lana should tell us that someone is coming every week :]
We had one last short orchestra meeting, then Seth and I went to join the dinner party at Mariah's. We made pizzas and played this game called Quelf - it's a game where anything can happen, really. I'm not outgoing, so I didn't do the ones where you had to act out something. Yet, somehow I won... That was interesting.
Seth and I stopped by Walmart after to get some cleaning supplies for the house - this summer we're planning on doing some serious cleaning.
Tuesday's CS lab was a joke - we took a survey thing and played this game that was supposed to explain recursion to us but was actually rather confusing. We were done in a half an hour. It was awesome :D
I went to hang at Wesley for the afternoon, I got some free food and a massage :D One thing about me, I will never turn down a back massage or rub. Never.
For Psi, our service project this semester was repainting room 30 in Elliott, so I went to help out there after COM exec. I was doing the detailing around where the rollers couldn't get, and that meant that I wound up on the floor painting the underside of these things that are on the walls to help with the acoustics. And Larn is petite, so she got to get up on top of cabinets to paint. We had fun :] After, we all went to dinner at Wiley. Unfortunately for me, since Wiley is the meat-house. Oh well, they also have a make-your-own pasta thing. So it worked out :]
Once dinner was done, I went to Hicks to work on the presentation with my Com group - we had to give a 20 minute presentation (our topic was storm myths) and when we first timed it, it was 13 min. Oops... However, we'd hit the point where we weren't going to be able to get much more done, so we split off to work on our own thing. I was so bloody tired, so I set an early alarm and went to bed.
Wednesday I had to dress nicer for the speech. Then I just about passed out in Spanish I sould probably work at getting more sleep. Except that just keeps not happening...
In Com, my group gave our presentation, in 19.30 - blast! We were so close! Though considering we made the jump up from 13 min, it was pretty good :]
I got a bagle to snack on from the union, and it was nice outside so I enjoyed my bagel by the fountain (though not that close, it was breezy and I didn't feel like getting misted every time the wind blew).
After Stat, I went to Wesley and chilled there for a bit. I played Egyptian (Egyptian Rat Screw) with Seth and Lisa, that was fun :] I wear four rings on a daily basis, so I took the two off my right hand so I didn't hurt anyone :]
I've been reading a book called A Breath of Snow and Ashes - it's the latest one in the Outlander series that my mom and I really like. There's this one line that I really like:
'Frenchmen often invoked vegetables when cursing, not infrequently mingled with sacred references. English cursing generally had nothing to do with saints, sacramants, or cucumbers, but dealt with God, whores, or excrement.'
Heehee, it made me laugh when I read it :]
No orchestra meant that I didn't have to rush home just to leave again! Yay! :D
We had an impromptu movie night - we watched The Prestige. I love that movie :]
Thursday morning was class and hanging in Elliott. Then the afternoon started with lunch with Larn and Jason. I'm so glad that they're both going to be here over the summer too, we can still get together :]
After the house dinner, I was going to go to Party City with Julia to get some luau stuffs for the senior banquet... except it was closed. We got there at 8.10, and it closed at 8. Curses! We rescheduled to the next day and when I got back to Agate I was one of very few people there. So I queued up How to Train Your Dragon to watch while working on Stat homework and called to talk with my family first :D Apparently Papa was there too, he's going to be leaving right before I get back, and he says it's because he knew I'd be coming back and wanted to make sure he'd be gone before that. Thanks, Papa, I love you too! :P
A few people came back while I was still talking, so it was Kyle, Payton and I in the room when I started up the movie. Jake came in and watched some, but then he insisted that he was actually not going to stay the whole time and so didn't sit down. Once that was done, Kyle asked what was next. I had Lion King next to me since I was debating between that and How to Train Your Dragon, so we started that one up next. Seth joined us during that time, and Jake came back, this time to stay for the whole movie. Then, once that one was done (of course I quoted half the movie, you even have to ask? :P ), we wanted to keep with the Disney theme and so Lady and the Tramp was next. Yay for spontaneous Disney nights! :D
Unfortunately, that meant it was 3 in the morning wen I went to sleep. Remember what I said about getting more sleep? Yeah, that's been going just so well...
Friday I had four classes, but only made it to two. I knew I was going to skip one to get some luau stuffs with Julia, and once we got back I wouldn't be able to get to my last class so I just stayed to set up at first church (I asked someone in each class I missed to see if there was anything I needed to know). Then it was time for the senior banquet. I was kinda nervous, if anything went wrong, it was on me since I planned it. But it went smoothly, and people seemed to enjoy it, so I guess it worked.
While I was there, my Psi brothers were at activation banquet. So, at one point during the evening I got back to back texts from Billy and Brent - Billy's was first: 'I miss you!', closely followed by Brent's: 'I miss you more!' I'm pretty sure I had a huge smile on my face, it was sweet :]
I woke up yesterday to a thunderstorm - but hey, the downspout that had been lying across the roof outside my window was fixed a few days ago so it was working :D
We had final chapter, where the seniors give senior rants - they talk about people and chapter. I knew I was going to cry during Larn's, and so that was fun. Both Mike and Mark seem to think that I should talk more... you'd think I was quiet or something. Though Mark also said 'Congratulations on being everything Brent is not, Larn needed a saving grace.' Hee, I love my twin! :] Though the best compliment (not counting my Big's section) I recieved was from Watergate (Chris - the one who delivered my bid and one of the ones I drove to convention). He said that I was a great driver, and that I have a heart of gold. I was touched.
It was fun, but also rather long - we started at 10 and finished up at 3. We were all rather hungry. A bunch of people went to El Rodeo, but I have no moneys so I went home to eat.
So it's Eric's birthday today, so a bunch of people got together yesterday to celebrate. We went to Buffalo Wild Wings, then then lazer tag and Nine Irish Brothers. (I just had water through these, and I didn't join the lazer tagging since I still didn't have money). However, after that we went to Eric's apartment to play Halo! That was super fun, and he got to take a birthday shot at midnight :]
Today I woke up at 9.30 - whoa, sleeping in! Today was also Jazz on the Hill - the Purdue jazz bands played at Slayter. I went to watch with Becca and Geoff and some other Psi brothers showed up too.
When I got back to Agate, Seth was asleep. I made dinner, and in that time he woke up so we watched Star Wars :] I went to play Ultimate, and Steph was there! She's been on co-op this semester. I went overto get a hug between points during the first game and then got a headache after so sat out the second and talked with her. That was nice, I missed her :]
Back in Agate, Seth was watching SVU, that's where my title came from :]
Indiana Jones just finished, and I think that we're going to watch Iron Man in about 20 min when it comes on :]
And my stat final is tomorrow night. The nervous breakdown is coming...
Here goes.
-Carly B

Thursday, April 19, 2012

But this I know, if I must die, I am a Brother of KKΨ

Man, my life seems to have exploded recently. This is going to be a long entry - I've got a lot to tell you guys :]
Tuesday (like last tuesday, a week and a day ago) was One Day Without Shoes - to raise awareness for the 40% of the world's population that doesn't have shoes. It was pretty neat.
Today in lab our TA didn't even show up O.o That was annoying, at least the one that teaches the lab before ours was willing and able to stick around - we'd've been in some serious trouble if not.
During Wesley exec, Glen was on facebook looking for some last names and he said 'Carly, I see your boyfriend is on facebook.' I had absolutely no idea what on Earth he was talking about - what boyfriend? Then he said something about my profile picture - me and Robbie Hummel :D That was pretty funny.
At chapter later that night, everyone was going to sing a song so we had a short song practice beforehand to try and figure out the words and parts.
Then we met for chapter. I got a bunch of signatures for my board - I'm getting there! And to make even more progress, that night I had dinner with Ryan :]
Wednesday I had class and then lunch with Geoff (another BIT) and Jay - another signature! At the Friday Fellowship meeting we got everything finalised for the barn dance - it's gonna be fun! We're all pretty excited. Orchestra went pretty well - our concert is in like a week and a half, and we're sounding pretty good. And I brought my The Princess Bride book back with me to show Mario, so I went ahead and read that :]
Thursday I had a midterm in MA301. I felt pretty good, excepting the induction proof. While studying, I looked at everything but that part because I knew how to do it - you show that if it's good for x = k and x = k+1 then you're good. However, I really should've looked at it because I woud up forgetting the intermediate steps... oops. (I wound up getting a 90% on it, so it's all good :] )
After that, I went to Elliott to hang and get various signatures. Then Austin tried to teach me trombone - except I can't do the buzzing thing with my mouth, as no string instruments require that. However, I kinda want to march, so maybe next year I'll work on learning a wind instrument and I can then march my senior year :]
Then it was time for my weekly lunch with my Big :D This week it was just the two of us - Jason had a lot to do. I'm going to miss her next year (she's graduating in a few weeks :[ ), I hope that we can still get together.
Since I'm planning the Wesley Senior banquet, I got started on figuring out who all will be there. The freshmen get to serve, so I sent an email out to them too.
We had our house dinner, and then it was time for ultimate :] I got a good workout too, we ran a lot.
When I got back, though, it was time to do some hw. Which is unfortunate, seein as how I was up till 2.30 O.o
Friday I did manage to get up in time for class though :] However, it was late so I didn't get breakfast or lunch... oops.
For the signatures, we need Mo Trout - his office is in Slayter, which is not exactly on campus (the rest of the directors are easy - their offices are all in Elliott). So during my break between Stat and CS I went to get his signature. And actualy saw Larn, she was getting stuff to take to convention :] Which meant she was able to give me a ride back to Elliott, which cut my walk in half :D I read in wesley for a bit, then went to lecture and got ready for the barn dance :] I decided to wear my blue and white plaid shirt and Kingdom Hearts belt (going for the big belt buckle effect :] ).
And it was so much fun! We had sack races and cornhole and square dancing and just general madness. It was awesome :]
We got back at about 11, and then it was time for me to pack for convention. And sleep, seeing as how I was going to be getting up at 5.15 to drive out to Fort Wayne. Thankfully I was able to borrow Kyle's GPS - I'd never been to that area of Indiana, so I felt a little better with a GPS rather than a Google Maps printout.
Saturday I got up and got moving, and my car of Watergate (Chris), Grant and David was off. And within 45 min or so they were all out. I was enjoying my music :]
We got there in time to go to the first session that was for just KKΨ brothers - sometimes we split off from the TBΣ sisters. I had planned on going to the first workshop, but thought about it and realised that if I did I would fall asleep. So instead I went to read and relax in the room with some of my roommates.
Afterthe first workshop, there was reading band and guard clinic, but I wasn't participating in any of those so I got some time to look around at what the other chapters were selling. Larn and I got matching iron-on letters(we're going to have matching sweatpants :] ) then I got a shirt and shades from Gamma Pi (of course, I coouldn't wear any of this till Wednesday when we were activated, but I was really excited).
I had lunch with Becca and Taylor - the two roommates I was chilling with earlier. We were wearing our Pots (a hat-kinda thing that we stick stuff to, the best way I can describe them is a scrapbook for your head - look at the pictures down below to see for yourself) and you could tell that the people that saw us were thinking something along the lines of 'what the hell are those things on their heads?' :D
In the afternoon, I went to a workshop about Service through Musicianship, and that was cool when they remembered that there are some schools that don't have music majors. A lot of the things they were suggesting were helping out people in conducting class, or composition class, or learning how to play another instrument so they can teach it later on in life. Those of us from Purdue were sitting in the back like 'ok, now what about us?'
After that workshop, we had time to get changed into our nicer clothes for the banquet and concert. The North-Central District Intercollegiate Band was composed of people from various colleges, and they sounded really good - it was a cool concert.
Then we had our banquet. That was fun, sitting around and talking. We didn't win any awards, but that's ok. After the banquet, TBΣ sang their hymn, then we got to sing our Fraternity Hymn. I really like that song, the title of this post is a line from it. We snuck out to get a quick family pic by the BBD (Big Bass Drum - from the marching band, it appeared in the atrium of the convention center after the NCDIB concert) and then went back to join with Beta Sigma - our TBΣ sister chapter at Purdue - and sang the Purdue Hymn. That was pretty cool too.
Next they went into the band cheer, though - Reed and I, the two from indoor bands, had no idea what was going on... I didn't even have my not-a-section there (me, Reid and Geoff are the three that don't belong to another section when everyone's taking section pictures, being one and a half violinists, a half bassist and a percussionist).
Some people from Gamma Pi (us) and Alpha Zeta (IU) played music after the banquet and then some of us went swimming :] I decided that I dind't really want to get all that wet, so I just stuck my feet in and sat back with Dayle watching as the others had water fights :]
Elections were the next day, so we had our chapter caucus that evening. Some people came in to drop off something to Jason (Mlady - he was the NCD Vice President for Programs) and they were shocked at how many people were in there - they thought it was our whole chapter but we told them that we were missing at least 20 people.
Sunday we got up and had to check out before going to the center, since we'd be there past the checkout time. Taylor, Becca, Reed, Grant and I got some food and then it was time for elections. It wasn't too long of a process, which was nice. And now Jason is NCD President! That was exciting for us :]
Some people were going to have lunch, but my car decided to just drive home. We got back and Grant and I caught some of the percussion concert - Geoff was in there and we wanted to see him. I didn't get to, though, because I had to go play Jake's bass at Wesley. It was fun, we had a praise party and invited the bad from the Baptist Foundation - they sang Beautiful Things (pretty much my favorite praise song ever) and another song with two cornets (a small horn) and a trumpet, I liked that one :D
After service, I went to Hicks to work on Walkabout stuffs - getting ready for the next day. I couldn't stay the entire time, though, because I hadn't eaten since breakfast and I was starting to feel it.
I got back to Aldersgate and warmed up a burrito and saw that Seth was watching Beauty and the Beast on TV :D He hadn't seen the Human Again sequence, so we put in my DVD and watched the rest from there. At one point, Payton said something and I responded, showing off how much I knew about Disney - he was laughing at me :] Then we watched Young Frankenstein, I hadn't seen that movie in so long, it's so funny :D
So Saturday morning, I had gotten a text saying that Pottermore was open to the public. I had a minor freakout and immediately registered. However, due to convention, I wasn't able to do anything. So, while sitting in the second floor common room, I got to explore :D It's so cool too! You go through the story, so I made it to get my wand before I decided that I really should sleep. I have a wand made of Silver Lime with a Phoenix tail feather core, 13 inches, quite flexible.
Monday I woke up rather tired, which wasn't a surprise given the lack of sleep I got over the weekend, but still annoying. After my first round of classes, I went to Elliott to get signatures and wound up chilling there for a while. However, I couldn't stay there till orchestra because I needed to get my violin and car. I went earlier than normal, though, because I was helping Reed with stuff for Walkabout later on. I think that people generally forget that there's an orchestra from 6-8 on Mondays and Wednesdays - while planning walkabout, they said that something was starting at 7 in room 15. I said, hey there's giong to be 50-60 strings in room 15 at 7 for rehearsal... So it got pushed back to 7.30. And we finished a little early, so that was nice since we had to get things set up.
While the actives were finishing the walkabout part, we started our final exam. When they got there, we played a video and sang our class song, introducing our class name then - Sweet Heat :D
After that, we had to finish our exams and then Mark, Kyle and Mitch (Vice President for Membership, Membership Committee Head and Chapter President respectively) had an exit interview with each of us, basically how'd the semester go, make sure that we're still in this, things like that.
Right after, I had to go get Jason's signature, and then I only needed two more!
After I got home, what do you think I did? Pottermore of course! And I'm a Hufflepuff! (And a particularly good FINDer!)
Tuesday I had class and then Matt and I went to Elliott to get various directors' signatures. They have a staff meeting every Tuesday, so I was able to get Roy's (who is an advisor and not on campus) and Jay's (Marching band director who was out of office last week). And then I was done with my board! CS was another robot lab, so we had our whole table as a group again :]
So I've been debating whether to go home over the summer or stay here. If I stay, I'd be more likely to find a job but I'd have to pay rent. If I go home, I wouldn't have to pay room and board, but I probably wouldn't really be able to find a job. So then I was talking with Glen after COM exec, and apparently there's a thing where if you volunteer you could get free rent at Aldersgate over the summer. So if I find a job, I'll be chillin in West Lafayette over the summer.
I needed one signature from the sisters, so I swung by their meeting that night and then I was oficially done with everythng that I needed to do! Now I just had to go through Third Degree and I'd be good.
So I celebrated by going on Pottermore :D This site is going to be the death of me...
And toninght's the night! Wednesday I dressed up in the morning, like Second Degree I was just going to stay on campus after orchestra since we were going to be gathering at 9. And when I was looking for something to wear, I realised that I'm getting rather low on dress clothes (like things I haven't worn yet that are still clean from the last time I had to dress nice...). I managed though, and then came the trouble of how to do my hair. I decided on a simple little twisty bun thing and then couldn't see it until I had Dayle take a picture right before Third - there aren't any mirrors in this house that I could maneouver. Oh well, people said it looked good :]
After Spanish and Com, I went ahead and ate my lunch outside - it was pretty nice. And I worked on my MA301 homework since I knew that it wasn't going to get done that night.
I had less time than normal between CS lecture and orchestra because I was walking slower (I wore my flats all day) and I had to make sure that I had everything I would need for the evening.
But I made it. And then after orchestra, I went on over to Stewart and got my last signature (well, almost - we won't be able to get Judge Daniel's till next semester), Marks' - as VPM he doesn't give us his signature until we have everyone else's.
I can't tell y'all about what happened during Third, but it was really cool. We learned about all sorts of symbolism in the fraternity and now Sweet Heat is an active class :D Traditionally, Big Brothers get their Little Brothers sweatshirts with the letters on them, like in the family colors - my family's colors are royal and red. Everyone else has royal on red on gray (Billy does too since he's Brent's little and Brent got the gray one), but I'm the start of a new line from Larn so I've got red on royal on white - it looks so cool :D

After the ritual, people dispersed. I went to get some free pancakes and watch people ride a mechanical bull with Geoff :] We went straight there, stopping by my car to drop off stuff and so I could put on my sweatshirt, it was kinda chilly at 11 at night. We were people watching when we saw a bunch of Psi people join the party - most of them had gone to get a drink or change. A few of them rode the bull, and Kyle got thrown off like four feet in the air :D
At about 1 am they were starting to pack up and so we dispersed once more - I guess we should prob sleep...
So Matt Weaver and I have MA301 together, so last night we decided to wear our letters to class this morning :D It was a beautiful day today, so I wore the shirt that Larn got me for Second - the Keep Calm and Call My Big one :] She has a matching one (I can't remember what is says though - not the same thing) when we had our weekly lunch :]
And then I got to talk with my mom! It was really nice getting to talk with her, we haven't in a while.
We had our house dinner, and now I have Stat homework that I should probably do in order to turn in tomorrow... Heh.
-Carly B

Sweet Heat
Gamma Pi
Kappa Kappa Psi
Spring 2012
(all 20 of us :D )

I think this is my favorite picture that we've taken together :] This was after Walkabout, when everyone was hanging around so the BITs could get signatures and before we had to finish our final.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Beauty is the first test: There is no place in the world for ugly mathematics.

-Godfrey Hardy. My proof class keeps giving me good quotes :]
So Tuesday I had class and the CS lab was another annoying one. But then I got to talk to people about London - the people going out there this summer asked me questions about everything. I also had dinner with JT Brennan, one of my brothers. I had a speech to get ready for Wednesday, so when I got back from dinner and things I worked on that.
Wednesday I had to give my speech O.o I so dislike public speaking. Then in stat, we got ready for our exam. This should be a fun final grade...
During my break between stat and CS, I read at Wesley :] That's just what I do.
We had a walkabout meeting after orchestra, we've gotten it all pretty planed - it's gonna be fun :]
I then went to Greyhouse with Nicole, another of my brothers, to get her signature. So yeah, this Wednesday was an even longer Wednesday than normal, and my normal ones are bad enough.
Thursday I didn't have my MA301 class, so I got to sleep a bit. Then it was time for our family lunch :] I'm going to miss my Big when she graduates in May.
So my CS recitation is at 3.30, but I was studying for my Stat midterm so I didn't realize it was 3.30 until it was 5... Heh, oops...
After the midterm, I took a walk over to Panera - to discover that I had a free soup on my reward card. So I got my tomato soup and asiago cheese bagel for free, yay! :]
And after I was back at Greyhouse, this time with Laurel :] Yay brothers :D
Friday we had our sunrise service at Wesley - bugger that was cold. So when I woke up I looked at the weather and it said that it would be temperate. This in mind, I wore a track jacket. However, once up on the top of the Grant Street parking garage my jacket turned out to be remarkably not wind-proof...
A group of us went to Wiley after to get some breakfast :] That was fun.
So that night was band prom. I got my yellow Belle prom dress fomr home a few weekends ago, so I had it all ready to wear. I love that dress, I was so glad to have an excuse to wear it again :] Reed Koester helped me braid my hair, and then I went to Fuzzy's taco shop to meet some other people before heading to the dance. It was me, Laurel, Nicole Bianco, another Nicole, Mike Sheehan, Mark Hamilton, Eric and Brent. As we were getting our food, we saw Robbie Hummel, DJ Byrd, Travis Carroll and Drew Anthrop walk in - we might have been not-so-subtly watching them as we ate :]

Of course we asked to get a picture :D I was super excited - I got to stand next to Robbie Hummel! I was wearing heels too, and he was still a head taller than me.

Later on, I went to get some water and this little girl got my attention. I couldn't really understand what she was saying so I smiled and was about to walk away when her mom translated - 'She says that you look beautiful.' I was so flattered, she was adorable :]
So then we walked to Meredith Hall, where the dance was. The four girls all had heels, and Brent was the one tripping on his own feet. Yay twin :D
So we were going to get a whole family picture (all 4 of us, woo!) but Billy (Brent's little) went home early so we had a 2-generational picture :] (Brent, me and Larn).
They played a random assortment of music, but it was really fun :]
And then my plan was to get up at 8 on Saturday to leave by 8.45 - Ricky had a lacrosse game that I wanted to be sure to make it back in time to go to. So then I woke up at 7 and said screw that plan, I want to go home so I was out of West Lafayette by 7.45. And it was a nice drive, there weren't many people out so it was smooth.
I was home at 9.30 - yay :D I chilled some with my dad before my mom got back from badminton practice. Then we went to Ricky's lacrosse game - apparently 'red' stands for 'orange', which is slightly more complicated when Palatine's colors are red and white... But that's okay, because Ricky scored a goal! We were excited :]
We went to the Easter service at Willow, which was really good. Then we got to play some bocce ball at Pinstripes! I wore my heeled boots to church, so I took a pair of shoes to change into for bocce ball.
I was so tired when we got back to the house, and it was my second night in a row in heels, so my feet were hurting.
Sunday we had some french toast for breakfast and relaxed for the morning. I got Bones season 6 from the Easter Bunny :D So, my mom and I watched some episodes while we made our late lunch.
I stalled until 6.30, I didn't want to leave... But I did, so I was back at A-gate. It was another smooth ride back, so that was nice.
Today I had class and then lunch at Five Guys with JoJo - another brother :]
I spent most of the afternoon studying for the CS midterm, which I finished in about 30 min. And the best part was walking back to the house and realising that I answered one question wrong, go me!
And now I'm watching Family Guy while working on my MA301 homework. This is going to be another busy week - I've got times planned to get together with all my brothers and then there's the barn dance and KKPsi convention and then I'm playing in the Wesley band.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Freedom! I need a beer!

(I'm pretty sure our neighbors had a good weekend, but I'll get to that later.)
It was really nice on Monday when I didn't have Spanish (my oral exam was on Friday) :]
I started a paper on persuading people that they should read science fiction instead of just watching - and Word changed my 'Sith' into 'Seth', so it said 'the Jedi versus the Seth' - I told him and we laughed :]
I still had my com and stat classes, but after that I sat in the first floor common room to sand my Psi board and listen to Veggie Tales with Seth :D He was programming on the next couch over.
During the day, Mario, Catherine and I decided that we were going to see The Hunger Games together that night, so after orchestra we headed out. There was a preview for The Avengers - Catherine and I were comparing the hotness factor of all the guys while Mario was geeking out on Catherine's other side. I laughed :D I enjoyed the movie - it stuck pretty close to the book and I thought it was well done. Catherine and I agreed that we wanted to re-read the books now since we both hadn't in a while. After the movie, we went to Steak N Shake for a midnight snack. It was a really fun evening :]
And we were out till 2, so thank goodness I didn't have my MA301 class on Tuesday (I knew this before, which is why I agreed to go that night). Especially when I woke up at 8.30 - which is when I usually leave the house. Yeah, it's nice to not have that class today :]
My CS lab wasn't too bad, my tablemate and I got it working fairly quickly. Then I went to meet my Big and get her approval of my Psi membership board - we get this board to sand, paint, and then get all the active's signatures. And I was sanded, so I can start painting! :]
At COM exec we planned our Good Friday sunrise service - it'll be pretty cool.
After, I went back to Aldersgate and did some reading - which may or may not have been the best life choice, but i'm almost done now (I started The Hunger Games again that morning and was about 150 pages form the end).
So I've been in this group at Wesley and we're going through the Ministry Inquiry Process - Jake has to do it before seminary and so we've got a group to make it a little more interesting. Tuesday night we talked about what God wants us to do with our lives.
What does god want me to do in my life? He wants me to live.
That's the best way I could some up with to say it shortly - basically, I feel like God has a plan for my life, He just can't tell me yet. So He's telling me to be patient and keep living my daily life and go on mission trips (I like mission trips :] ) and be open to whatever - it's going to be great and I'm going to love it when it is revealed but now is not the time. Like, some people have plans of what they want to be doing in the future - where they want to be, what they want to be doing, things like that. Me, I'm like 'I want to do this, but this would be really cool too. And I want to live here. Or here. Or here. Or here. Or here. Basically, I want to live everywhere.'
So yeah, I've interpreted my indecision/lack of a specific vision for the future as God telling me to just enjoy living and be up for whatever he's got planned for me.
The Walkabout committee had a meeting and we got some good work done - our Walkabout is going to be pretty awesome :]
I went back to Agate after to do some more homework... or read.
Quick story: last semester, Kyle was playing Oblivion too much so he asked someone to take it and hide it. I obliged, and then gave it back during Dead Week (like he asked).
So then I was reading and complaining how I had homework and so Kyle took the book away - solution! I take his video games and he takes my books :]
I couldn't find any research on the whole reading v. watching thing, so I scrapped that paper and needed to pick a new topic.
Wednesday I wasn't going to be home much (like about 5 min was all I'd have) so I dressed nice in the morning so that I would be dressed or Second Degree in the evening. And I got a number of compliments too, so that was nice :] I was wearing my green one shouldered shirt and black skitr, and I sat outside for lunch. First sunburn on my shoulders of the year! O.o
At the Fellowship meeting we finilized the plan for the barn dance - it's gonna be fun :]
So Second Degree was at 9 and orchestra is done at 8, but I knew that if I went home I wouldn't want to come back so I just stayed on campus. Which meant that I was on campus from 9.15 am till 10.15 pm - it was a long day...
But Second Degree was really cool :] I don't think I can tell y'all about it, being a ritual and all, but my Big did get me a cool shirt - it has the KKΨ on the front and 'Keep Calm and Call My Big' on the back :D I can't wear it yet since it has the letters, but once I'm active that's going to be the shirt I wear the next day :]
After, I worked on some homework while watching Seth, Payton, and Kyle kill each other on the tv - it's entertaining :]
Thursday I woke up super bloody tired, and I even got more sleep than usual O.o Since I was about to pass out in class, as soon as I got back to the house it was naptime! That was really nice.
Today I had lunch with my big and grandbig, and Lauren's boyfriend Austin joined us. It was fun :]
What wsa really fun was when I went to put my computer away after CS lecture and I may or may not have managed to whack myself in the eye with it... O.o It was a little bruised and still hurts if I go to rub my eye. Winner.
House dinner was at the Robyne's - Lana made us some hamburgers (I got a black bean burger :D ), it was me, Jake, Kyle, and Catherine so that was fun :]
Then I had some fun trying to write my paper - now it's on persuading people tha there should be music in schools.
Friday I didn't have my stat class, so I worked on my paper and got to start painting my board. I did the borders at 4.30-6 or so, then I got the stencil and painted the design and was completely done at 7.30. Woot :]
We had a Halo night that started at about 8.30 - it was Kyle, Seth, Eric, Amanda, Payton, and Cassie (Payton's girlfriend) playing. I was sitting in my spot in the back working on my paper (none of them believed that I was, but I did actually get a lit done). I was still up till 4.15 working on it, but that's because I needed more sources and the interwebs was acting up. I got it turned in at 4.20 and got to sleep - still a perfect record of zero all-nighters for Carly :D
I went to sleep Saturday at 4.30 and still woke up at 8.53 - curse my circadian rhythm and its alarm set at 9. Oh well, I got to do some sanding of my board (the paint from the tape tore up some of the spots) and I got my book back from Kyle! And then finished it and started the next one :]
I was reading in second floor common room with Seth - Kyle had a Glee Club show and so Seth and I watched NCIS and relaxed. Our neighbors are loud. At one point, they were throwing a frisbee at beer bottles perched atop pvc piping stuck into the ground. I guess you gotta make do with what you have. They were also listening to country music rather loudly, and then started yelling 'Freedom!' I wanted to yell for William Wallace to calm down :]
Then Seth and I hear one say 'Freedom! I need a beer!' and we started laughing (hence the post title :] ). I said 'Yes, yes you do.'
We had a hymn sing for Palm Sunday, so the group gathered in the afternoon to practice a bit, then after I did some more reading :]
So Eric and Amanda are engaged (and they're adorable together :] ), so a group of us went to Olive Garden to celebrate them :] It was fun.
Then Catherine and I had an Aldersgate girls night - we watched Tower Heist. Catherine also got some hair dye, so we got to put that in. And Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory was on tv after, so we watched that too. It was a fun night :]
(On an unrelated note, Gene Wilder plays a crazy person so well :D )
And it was the second night in a row I was up past midnight - this week is going to be great... O.o
But it was worth it :]
Sunday I spent the day reading - I finished Catching Fire (Hunger Games #2) and can't start Mockingjay (Hunger Games #3) because Andrew is borrowing it, which might be a good thing...
Our neighbors were back at it today, only the country music wasn't back. This time they were listening to My Heart Will Go On - Seth and I cracked up when we heard it :D They also played some of the more popular songs :]
The Wesley hymn sing went pretty well, so that was good :] Then, at chapter, the BITs took our last quiz :D After, I stayed back to help make card garland for the band formal - the theme is Waking Up in Vegas. It's going to be fun :]
Today I had class and my registration time slot was at 2 - in the middle of my stat class. And my computer hates PAL (Purdue's campus wireless) so I registered for classes with my iPod - for whatever reason my iPod connects just fine when my computer doesn't accept my username and password... O.o
I needed my big sister's signature to get everyone else's on my board, so I got that and then Andy's after orchestra. Only 45 more! (or so...)
And now I'm watching Family Guy with Seth and Kyle and I'm going to dinner with JT tomorrow so I need to memorize his info so I can get his signature. I'm on my way...