Yay for busy weeks...
Monday after I finished my last post I had orchestra and a badminton officers meeting. After the meeting I was in the common room and reading when Seth walked in with Real Steel - that Hugh Jackman movie about boxing robots. I was going to leave about halfway through, but I wound up staying till the end, which was like 1 in the morning. Oops.
Tuesday it was actually a pretty easy CS lab - it's nice to have a lab where we've actually learned it all before.
I didn't have much food, so I got a sandwich from the cafe in LAwson - Seth is in there a lot and said that their snadwiches were good, so I went ahead and tried it out. It was yummy, and it was the first time I haven't had to make my own lunch in quite a while so it was even better :D
Then it was time for the weekly exec meeting. Glen informed us that the Girl Scout cookies had arrived, we were all rather excited about that :] The annoying thing is I like Thin Mints frozen but I live on a floor with three guys so I don't really want to put them in the freezer...
The FFF group talked about The Matrix. It's a pretty interesting movie and raises a lot of quesions - like what is real? What is destiny? That kind of fun stuff.
I was rather tired, so I didn't stay for the devo and communion. Unfortunately, I also couldn't find my cookies so I wasn't able to take them home.
I did some homework, but eventually 'doing homework' turned into 'watching Beauty and the Beast' :D
Or at least part of it. I was about to pass out and I didn't really want to sleep with my laptop in my bed so I turned it off and went to sleep.
Wednesday I woke up and looked at my phone to see 7.53 - it's later than I normally wake up and I figured it was a good thing it wasn't a Monday or Wednesday since I'd only have 30 min to get ready.
Then I got to my desk and looked at my phone agian - this time it said 7.36. My number dyslexia strikes again...
I went to class and had a subdued lunch - I still needed to go grocery shopping.
I was really tired, so I took an hour nap at Wesley :] It was amazing.
As I was waiting to go into the CS lecture, I saw Julie- the badminton club president. It's a class of 200 people, so I seem to see new people every day :]
After orchestra that evening, I had to drop off things to people at badminton so I had a workout in between when I got to the TREC and when badminton started. Unfortunately, there were a number of other people so I had to use an elliptical. I'd forgotten how much I hate ellipticals - I can't use my full stride and so they throw me off about every 5..
When I got home, I took a (kinda long) shower :D And I take really hot showers, so by the end the water was pretty much scalding - I was rather pink when I got out :]
Then I got to watch the rest of Beauty and the Beast (after going through the songs during my shower). I realised that I (as Belle) am one of the few princesses that doesn't speak to animals. Then I thought more and said my firiends are a clock, candleabra, teapot, cup and wardrobe, so maybe I shouldn't talk... ;]
It's a good thing I have two alarms in the morning, because on Thursday I slept through the first...
Then I got up and went to my computer to see an email from my Aunt Cindy. It was about my Spring Break Mission Trip to New Orleans and she said that she was proud of me, and that my Grandpa Andy would be proud of me for 'carrying on his tradition of helping others'. I never really knew my grandpa, so reading that made me happy :D
I was still tired that morning, so I made some hot chocolate to take with me to class :D And after class I had to return a book to the library so I also stopped to get a bagel from Einstein's Bagels. It was yummy :]
Then it was grocery time! I have food again! And 96 valentines later... it's pretty sweet to have friends :D Psi was doing a Valentine's Day thing like in grade school where we decorated an envelope and got valentines to put in everyone's. That alone was 55 of the valentines.
My CS recitation is still boring - we keep going over the material that I understand from lecture. Once we start getting to things I don't understand, maybe it'll be better...
Jake made a stir fry dinner for our house meething that night. It was very yummy :]
And then my night went to hell. I had homework to do, but then I rememered three other things I had to do for the next day and so I was up until 3 in the morning doing homweork that I either didn't understand, really didn't want to do, and/or couldn't do in a room of English-speaking people (my Spanish homework). That was rather less than enjoyable...
Because of that, I only got 4 hours of sleep and I kew that Friday was going to be rough.
I was about to pass out pretty much the entire time through Spanish. Then I got an adrenaline rush for COM - we had to give our 60 Second Science presentations and (in case you hadn't realised by now) I hate public speaking. So that was fun.
I ate my lunch, but I was still about to pass out again in Stat. I need to pay attention in that class, so I managed. During my break, I read at Wesley so that was nice - just sitting on a couch for my 2 hours.
After CS, I went home and sat down at my desk - my chair is too comfortable, I didn't want to get up again. I got to talk with my Mom and cousin Kristin though, so that was fun :]
I managed to get up because I wanted to go to the bonfire/hike at the Robyne's. There I realised that I'm almost not a teenager, I need to so some teenage rebellious things in this next week! So it's kinda nice that I was already planning on getting a tattoo :]
There was an option to have a sleepover at the Robyne's, but I was tired enough that I wanted to sleep in my own bed, and actually get some sleep that night, so I went home.
Saturday the BITs had a morning meeting (kinda last minute, but there were a good number of people there) and after we went to brunch at a dining court. There were two non-Res Hall people there (myself and one other girl) so they offered to swipe us in :]
I worked on some homework in between that and when I was going to meet Julia for the IU game.
Speaking of which, gag me with a spork. That was an ugly game. There were some really obnoxious IU fans right behind us, so I spent half the game plotting whether I could making convincing enough that I tripped and just elbow them in the balls. Julia was planning physical harm to them as well, but we decided to be nice...
Sunday was Tapout - we finally found out who our bigs are! And we got to meet the Tau Beta Sigma (TBS - the band sorority) sisters for the first time (for me anyway).
I got a big and a twin! And my twin has a little - apparently this doubled the family size.
This is me and Carla, she was the one that walked me around during interviews :]
Yes, it's Carly and Carla :D
The family :D Left to right: Billy (twin's little), Brent (twin), Lauren (big) and me :D
We all went out to Hotbox Pizza after the ceremony, that was fun. Brent was saying something about Lauren leaving (she graduates in May) and she said that's why she got him a twin, so we wouldn't be alone after this semester :]
After Hotbox I did some homework before it was time to practice for Wesley band. I haven't played in a while, it was fun :]
Then it was time for the Superbowl! I watched the first half at Wesley - they have a big tv ;] However I wanted to go home before the game was over and I didn't really want to watch the halftime show, so I decided to drive home then.
It was a good game, too. I didn't really care for either team, so I appreciated the down-to-the-wire atmosphere. And there were some good commercials, not all that many but a good number.
My favorites: Matthew Broderick, Mr Sandman, The ending of the VW one (Darth Vader!), Bridgestone Football, M&Ms, Chevy Graduation, the Hyundai cheetah, and the Avengers. That movie looks like it's going to be so cool!
After the game, Kyle switched the tv to ET - so now I've seen the ending :] I haven't seen anything before that, but that's beside the point. And I was enjoying listening to the music - I played that music! :D (in the Halloween concert last semester)
And now it's once again Monday morning and I need to go to class.
-Carly B
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