I meant to write this three days ago, and then every day in between. Oh well.
Last Tuesday (the 17th) was a pretty good day. My CS lab is going to be interesting - we have it before the week's lectures. So, none of us really have any idea what is going on. Should be a fun time... :]
I went home after, wondering why I though I'd have to pack my lunch on Tuesdays since it was only 1.30 and I could just eat at the house. Then I almost forget about exec meeting - oh, it's not Monday, is it... I got back to Wesley in time, though, so that was good :] Then I got to hang with Shilpa :D That was fun, we went to Greyhouse (a coffee shop just off campus) and had some hot chocolate while we sat and chatted. It was nice to be able to talk with just her.
That night was Jimmy Buffett night at the basketball game so I wanted to go, but I didn't have anyone to go with :[ So I went to the FFF study instead - we talked about more Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. I'm really enjoying this study :D
And then Wednesday came again. I don't like Wednesdays. However, if I'm ready early enough then i can get starbucks :D That was a nice start to my day :] What was fun was starting the Probability homework and realising that the professor hadn't gone over one of the chapters yet.
During the day, I was incredibly tired. However, I told myself, if I do my work now then I get to watch The Princess Bride tonight with Amanda :D We had talked about wanting to watch it again :] And I was good, so we started the movie. It turned into Princess Bride with Commentary by myself, Amanda, Jake, Seth and Kyle :] That was a fun evening. Afterwards, Kyle, Seth and I put Goblet of Fire in and did some more homework.
Thursday started off like Wednesday had, until I walked out of my class and saw the snow :] I had already planned on getting a haircut (my hair was getting long, as I realised when I wore it down for my Psi interview :] ), so that meant that I got to practice driving in snow as well. I didn't do too badly either, I'm still alive :]
I was chilly, so I heated up some of the potato soup that my mom had made for me :D So yummy!
I got some homework done before going to my CS recitation - where we learned about the same exact things we had gone over twice in lecture and once in lab. Fourth time's the charm? It was so boring.
But then it was time for dinner - and there was a mix up so two people got pizza from different places, so much pizza! It was good though :]
I still had some Probability homework to finish, so I was up until 1.30 and still confused.
Being up till 1.30 made it rather difficult to get up for class on Friday - thankfully I don't start till 9.30 on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. The day went by rather uneventfully, until it started snowing. And once it started, it went crazy. Amanda and I had planned on watching The Matrix because neither of us has seen it, so we wanted to be ready for the FFF group. However, it was disgusting outside so we decided to postpone the party to Tuesday. And I'm so cool - I spent my friday night in my room watching Sherlock on Netflix. But I really enjoyed it, so it works :]
Saturday I had quite a list of things to do. I got my laundry started and dod my dishes before going grocery shopping. However, I was running late to have lunch with Jacob and Sarah, some violins, so I had to just bring the cold stuff in and take care of the rest after.
Lunch was really fun, I enjoy hanging with my orchestra friends outside of class :]
When I got back, I had to do some major straightening up of my room - including transferring some of the food to my closet for storage as I rearranged the stuff in there. I love my room, but it would be awesome if it were just a little larger...
I spent the afternoon watching Eddie Izzard and Skyrim before Seth and I went to Liz's apartment for dinner and game night. That was really fun, we made these pot pie things and played Apples to Apples :]
Sunday I once again managed to sleep through my alarm. I wanted to wake up at 6.23 because I had to get up and get dressed in business formal for Psi. So, when I saw that my watch said 6.52 I got a nice adrenaline rush that woke me right up.
We went out to Triple XXX, a local burger and breakfast place. That was fun, we pretty much took over the restaurant :] Then the BITs took our First Order - we're officially Brothers In Training.
I decided to stay dressed up for church, it was an excuse to wear my fun new boots :D And I got to play the hymn of the week with Amanda again, that was fun :]
After church was the first chapter meeting. I'm excited to be in KKPsi :]
Monday was back to class >.< However, I was done at 2.30 so I got to hang at home for a good chunk of the afternoon before orchestra.
After orchestra, we had a game night. Pat, Kyle, Payton, Catherine and I played Small World. It was a fun game, even if it was a rather epic failure on my part. Oh well, I was having fun :]
Tuesday was lab again O.o And again, the TA had to explain some of the concepts. I feel bad for him - we will always have lab before lecture.
But this week I didn't almost forget the COM Exec meeting, so that was good :D
I didn't have much time between the exec meeting and when I was going to meet Amanda for our new dinner and The Matrix date, so I got a little homework done and headed on over to Wesley.
We went to Boiler Market - a place in Chauncey that I'd never been before - and had some yummy soup in bread bowls :] And then we got to play with the huge TV in the basement to start the movie.
We got to about 10 minutes from the end before we had to join the rest of the group, so Eric let me borrow the movies so I can watch the rest of the first and then the others.
That night was a Star Wars themed FFF - I thouroughly enjoyed it :D We talked about the Jedi v. Sith and how Obi-Wan told Luke that he must do what he felt was 'right, of course.' It was a good talk. And it was nice being in a room of other Star Wars geeks ;D
So Wednesday, we meet again. Today I had to get up and go to class again, annoyingly :] I also had a lot of homework to do before tomorrow (still do, but we're not going there). That added to the fact that it started dropping rain/sleet/snow/hail/nastiness from the sky, it was a rather gloomy day.
Normally it takes me 5 minutes of my 10 minute break to walk home from CS lecture. This means that I haev time to grab a snack and relax for a bit, even if it's only a little bit, before going to orchestra. Well, today it was narsty (no, that's not a typo) outside so it took me 9 of my 10 minutes to walk home. I didn't have time to get food or drugs for the headache that was growing. So I returned from orchestra in pain, tired and hungry. I grabbed what food was quickly available to me and went into the second floor common room to sit on a couch. Payton and Seth were also there and we decided to watch Kung Fu Hustle - a Chinese Martial Arts movie that Payton and I both enjoy, Seth had never seen it before. So that was a good way to end my lovely (cough) day.
Now I should probably do the homework that I need to finish for tomorrow. Or maybe I'll just sleep and wake up early. I guess we'll see.
-Carly B
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