Sunday, August 26, 2012

Good vendor of shoes!

So I was watching this and cracked up at this part, till about 37.40 or so (it starts at 36.10). That's where the title comes from :]
On Monday classes started - crazy. And I could understand all of my professors so that was a definite bonus :D
The annoying thing was online last week it said that there was no info recieved for the MA362 book. However, when I checked after my professor said there was a book, the info was there. I was annoyed.
But then was orchestra - and there were so many basses! I'm playing bass this semester, and normally we have about two, maybe three, but there are 5 of us in symphony and evidently philharmonic has 7. We were laughing about that :]
Tuesday in my 3 hour EAS lab slot we had a 1 hour lab, so that was nice. I got to eat my lunch before my STAT class and not rush. When my TA wrote her office location on the board, I was confused - it was HAMP and I wondered what the heck building that was. Evidently they renamed the Civil Engineering Building (formerly CIVL) to the Hampton building for civil engineering (or something similar). I'm glad my schedule said CIVL still, I would've had no idea where the deuce I was supposed to go.
And I'm retaking the STAT416 class I took last semester with a different teacher so hopefully this time around it goes better. So far so good.
My run was warm - it was a bit toasty outside. But then I got to have dinner and watch Pirates with Colleen so that was fun :D I miss not living with her, she's a great friend.
Wednesday I had class and then The Aristocats is out of the vault so I made a quick trip to Walmart for that - I love that movie :] I also got a haircut so my hair's back to the length I like it.
After orchestra there was a Welcome Back Bash thing for the bands so I went to see some of my brothers that I hadn't seen all summer. That was fun, but oh my goodness there were so many mosquitos! O.o Because of that, when I woke up on Thursday it looked like I had chicken pox on my legs (it still does on Sunday >.< ) However I only had one class that day so that was nice :D After that I went to Wesley to read in a hammock :] However, I finished Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and didn't know what next, I narrowed it down to Star Wars and decided to ask 'Kyle, do I want to read Thrawn or Xwing?' He said Xwing, so I'm going through those books now :]
We had our first COM exec meeting, and it went well. This semester should be good.
Unfortunately (that might not be the best word to use, but oh well) Kyle got a call and a job offer that afternoon, so now he's moving out again :[ It's good for him, and he'll be around, but a bunch of people (myself included) were excited about having him around for more time.
I went back to Agate and did some more reading, taking a break to have the house dinner.
Friday I'd planned on going to class and then going to see the Dark Knight Rises and having a movie afternoon/night. However, Instead I had some food and read an hour or so, then I had to start on homework.
Then, about 5 hours later, I said eff this, I want to stargaze! sO I drove out to the Robyne's and enjoyed the night sky with Geoff. That was nice :]
I don't remember walking into a tree Friday night, but Saturday morning I woke up with a scab on my chin - I'm all kinds of confused since I don't know how it happened. Kyle suggested that I slepwalked into my door, I said I walk into enough open doors that I'd believe it :]
I had work that evening, and it was two weddings. One of the weddings had a rather interesting toast - it wasn't the mother of the bride, but it might've been an aunt or something. She was slurring a bit (the bar had been open for an hour...) and recounted stories about the bride when she was younger, the quirky things she would do. Then she said something along the lines of 'I didn't think there would be anyone who could deal with you!' and continued. However, I missed the second half because I was still just processing what she'd just said. I'm sure she meant it to be funny, like the bride is unique and all, but it didn't quite come across like that. I texted my mom and dad asking them not to say something like that at my wedding... :]
Today I really did not want to wake up. I did mae it though, since I had work at 10.30. Then after that shift we had a staff meeting and then I had church and then was the COM meeting (which was remarkably efficient and good for a COM meeting) and after that I went to chapter and then after chapter a bunch of us went to Red Mango, so I left the house at 10 this morning and got back around 9.45 this evening. So now I plan on either reading or watching an episode of QI and passing out.
Football next week, I'm so excited!!! :D And Doctor Who series 7 starts next Saturday, so I need to remember to get my American Idiot ticket for Sunday. Next weekend's gonna be a good weekend :D
Peace out.

Monday, August 20, 2012

I'm baack :D

Hello again, everyone :D I hope y'all had a good summer, as you can tell by my lack of posts, I didn't so all that much. It was fun though.
So on Monday I felt rather producive. I went to pick up my textbooks and PASE thing - PASE is Purdue Alumni Student Experience and I get a shirt, glass and discounts at places because I'm a member. This year's shirt and glass have the Grand Prix on them - last year it was the Big Bass Drum and my freshman year featured the Old Oaken bucket, the trophy exchanged between us and IU to the winner of our rivalry game every year.
After my various errands, I set about to clean my room (or straighten it up anyways). And that was a success too! I had a rather good day, overall :]
Then it was time for our house dinner - and it's official that the ducts are actually going to be cleaned! Las t winter I had a case of the nosebleeds and I blame the air, so I'm rather excited that it most likely won;t happen again this winter :] And we learned that Kyle Hoos will most likely be back here for the semester :D I'm rather excited, he's a great guyh and fun to have in the house.
On Tuesday I went out for my run, then Shelly was going to run so I went out again with her. And about a quarter mile away from the house while running back, my legs suddenly really wanted to know what the hell I was thinking. I'm glad they didn't argue till the ending of the run, rather than the beginning :]
After that, I did nothing! I was messing around on my computer when I learned that David Tennant was on an episode of QI - how have I never seen this before?? I immediately watched that one, and it was pretty dang funny :] I love QI, it's one of my favourite shows, so it's unfortunate that I can't watch it on tv here - I have to rely on youtube.
Wednesday I had work at 6.30a so I was up at 5.25 - and I'm not sure I slept the best, I had a strange dream (that I couldn't remember once I woke up, just that it was odd). Work went well, and when I got back I got to sleep :D And then I watched some more British television - watching the one episode of QI yesterday got me in the mood so I watched some more :]
Thursday I really did nothing all morning, but then I had a sound shift at 4. Over the summer I was trained to be a sound technician, and I think we're short sound people because the last 10 or so shifts I've been scheduled for have been sound. I did pick up a normal catering shift for yesterday, and that felt weird :]
Friday I had another sound shift - only this one was for both ballrooms and their events were running pretty much simultaneously. That was super fun (more like eff my life). One group was a multicultural welcome event, and the other was a IU School of Medicine welcome thing (they have a campus in the area). The IU people were, how shall I say it, snooty. Whitch ticked me off. The multicultural group was great, it was fun listening to their speakers. But then they started a drumming thing and dancing, while the IU thing was still going and evidently the IU people weren't happy. Courtney, the coordinator, Casey, another sound person/waiter captain, and I were all having just so much fun with them.
When I got back to A-gate, Kyle was here! It's official - he'a a part time Wesley intern for the semester while he continues the job search. However, due to the lovely time I had at work I wasn't in the best of moods, so I fled to my room. And watched some QI - Stephen Fry can fix my mood! :] (Don't jusge me, it worked :P )
Saturday We were all up early for the Aldersgate retreat - through the morning we talked and got to know one another, as well as made decisions about the house and various rules. When we introduced ourselves around the circle, I said that something I was looking forward to was watching football with Kyle again - I'm sure y'all remember how interesting some of those stories were :D
I had another 2-ballroom sound shift, but they were two weddings which was easy peasy - I just set up 2 wireless microphones and made sure that it sounded good when people were talking into them.
After that, I went to a drumline party with Geoff. That was interesting, it was a pretty small apartment so half of the party was outside. And that makes it three college parties I've ever been to - woo! I'm on a roll :D
Sunday I had to open my violin for the first time since it had been sitting in my un-airconditioned room all summer. I'd put it off as long as possible because I was legitimately scared of what I would find, like I was afraid that my violin would be in pieces.
Thankfully, it wasn't. The bow lost a bit of hair (and by a bit, I mean like half) so that will have to be replaced earlier than anticipated, but that's really not as bad as I'd been fearing. (I have a picture up on facebook if you want to see it).
I had yet another sound shift, and this one was extra boring. I just set up a mic and background music and then turned down the music when someone was speaking and turned it back up when no one was.
Woot O.o
Wesley had our first service of the year yesterday - yay :D I played violin with Amanda during the hymn (which is why I had to open it yesterday and couldn't wait three more months :] )
And I officially have the best Big ever :D Larn sent a message to me, Brent, Billy and Jason (the ones of the family that start classes today) that she had a present for us. Since we were the four that are still in school, I thought it would be a fun notebook or something similar.

Then we went to her apartment and saw these things, and it was so much better than what I'd thought :D I love my Big :] Apparently she Googled 'candy poem', which I thought was a pretty sweet search term, it made me giggle :]

I got back to Agate and after a bit of QI it was sleepy time for Carly - I've got class starting at 8.30 today.
And away we go...
-Carly B