Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library.

-Jorge Luis Borges
I like that quote :]
So just so y'all know, I'm probably going to have fewer and shorter entries over the summer - I haven't really been doing very much so I don't have much to share. Maybe like every other week or so.
A few Wednesdays ago (the 16th) I did some reading and watched Sense and Sensibility in the morning before heading across the river to explore downtown Lafayette with Amanda. That was fun :] and then I went to get a haircut and some Panera for dinner before walking to Happy Hollow Park - and it was pretty nifty. I could get used to this - it was like a state park with trails and streams. I enjoy it :]
On Thursday I did some reading before my 3.30 shift. And that was an interesting one. I had one training shift on Tuesday, and then Thursday I was scheduled on my own. That was fun. I made it through, though, and it worked out.
Friday until about 5 went something like this:
+playing Kingdom Hearts all day because I'm bored out of my mind
That was fun :] However, at 5 we had a cook out at the house. Some people came over who would be leaving for the summer (on a mission trip to Africa or to an internship in Oregon) and that was nice to see them. A few of us went to a park nearby and then we played Scattegories - that was interesting. Christian and Payton and Seth enjoyed arguing the various words.
Saturday we all went garage saleing :] I was with Christian and we chose to end our day at the Lafayette farmers' market. Through the day I got a book and a dress and some cupcakes - I was happy :D
And then we cleaned for 5 and a half hours. Payton and Christian worked on the lawn and bushes outside while Seth and I worked on the second floor common room. That was fun, discovering how many dust bunnies and things from a long while ago were still in there. The shower I took after was great. I debated whether I wanted to eat in or go get some food. I wound up chosing Chipotle - then I would have food the next day - and we watched Armageddon to celebrate our hard work :]
When I woke up at 10 on Sunday it was 77 degrees - it's gonna be a toasty one. I decided to eat lunch (the rest of my Chipotle) and read on the lawn outside. That was really nice - it was a beautiful (if hot) day. And Geoff and I are ofiicially dating, so I had two calls raher close togeter from my mom and cousin and aunt :]
Seth and I had talked about seeing The Avengers again, so that night we went. And I enjoyed it just as much, if not more :D
When we got back, Liz and Mariah came over before they both leave (Liz is the one going to Africa and Mariah's going to Oregon). It was nice to see them again :]
Monday I beat Kingdom Hearts II :D and now I don't know what to play to kill time. That was around 10.30 so the rest of the day I listened to my Jimmy Buffett playlist and read and played sudoku and crosswords. I only made it to song 132 of 322 - you'd think my family was made up of parrotheads or something... :]
Tuesday I worked at 12 and when my trainer saw that I'd already worked a shift on my own and left me to it, knowing that I could ask her if I had any questions. No one knows what the hell is going on with my training, least of all me. After my shift, Elizabeth (another new hire who I've been training with) and I took our quizzes - we're official! :D
After Casey's (another employee) evening shift, a few of us gathered hang at Katie's apartment to hang. And when they discovered that I hadn't played Portal, I got to play :] It's a fun game.
Wednesday I had work and this time I could actually eat - there was a veggie lasagna :D
I was done at 2.30 and decided afterwards that a trip to the mall was in order. And it was a successful trip - I got a fun new dress, the first Iron Man movie and a Cinnabon :]
I have a plan to get Iron Man, Thor, Captain America and The Avengers (once that one is out) and marathon them on a day when I need distraction. I'm now 1/4 of the way there :]
That evening, I watched A Very Potter Musical :D It's a spoof of Harry Potter, and I thouroughly enjoy it.
Thursday I watched Eddie Izzard in the morning - he's a British comedian and I have a rather British sense of humor :]
I started to pack a bit for the weekend, and Seth and I watched V for Vendetta that afternoon. Before and after the house dinner I worked on some of my Harry Potter fanfiction. However, at the house dinner Glen said I was more of a man than the guys, and the best part was that wasn't the first time I've been told I was more masculine than a guy friend :D
Friday I finished packing and watched Beauty and the Beast before my family arrived to pick me up to go to Virginia for the weekend. My cousin Kenny was graduating high school and most of the whole family was going to their house to attend.
It's a 9 hour drive from West Lafayette to Blacksburg, and so it was 2 in the morning when we got there.
Saturday morning I got to hang with family - I love my family :D - and then we went to Roanoke to watch Kenny's race. I've wanted to see him run for four years now, so I was really happy when I learned that we'd be going to his regional meet. He ran the 800, and he had to be in the top 6 to qualify for state. He was in the first heat and we had all spread out along the track to cheer for him, and during the second we were all counting times to see whether he'd be in the top 6.
And he was! He qualified for state! And he ran the time that he needed to in order to get a spot on the 4x800 team! It was super exciting - especially that we were all there to see it. Since we can't return next weekend to see the state meet, we've informed my uncle and aunt that we want a video recoring of the races next week :]
That evening, we all went to his graduation and decided to be 'that family' that made a ton of noise when he walked across the stage. And we did :D
The family was hanging around and talking, and when others went to sleep it was Melissa, my mom and Aunt Kathleen that stayed up even later to talk.
On Sunday we got up and walked the three dogs that were in the house and got some breakfast. The younger cousins went to the pool, and I was chilling on the deck with Melissa and my dad and Uncle Mark. It was bloody hot, so we were following the shade as the sun moved around. Then Uncle Jon went and got another umbrella so we had more shade, and then he found two more so we had an umbrella fort going on :D That was fun. It was a lazy afternoon, and more than a few of us took a nap :]
We were invited to a graduation party at friend's house, so we went there to spend the evening. That was fun, and they did a nifty thing where we wrote messages to the graduation seniors on a floating lantern and those seniors launched them. Melissa and I agree that we want to have those at our weddings :]
Yesterday (was it really only yesterday?) we got up and got ready to go quickly - it was an 11 hour drive for my family and 12 for the Bogdas. It was a good drive to West Lafayette - there wasn't really any traffic or delay. When back in WLaf, we went to get some Chipotle and then my parents and brother finished their drive home.
I ad planned on enjoy the a/c while listening to Pride and Prejudice and playing solitaire or sudoku, and I was looking forwad to it, but too bad it's a common room. There was a basketball game (that I dind't really watch) Christian was watching and then Family Guy and muted Kung Fu Panda while talking with Seth. That was nice too, getting to talk with them.
Today I don't know what I'm going to do - I was planning on volunteering to get money taken off my rent (the perks of living in a church-owned house :] ) but I don't think the building is open so I'll try again tomorrow.
-Carly B

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Pull the lever, Kronk. Wrong lever!

So last Monday (the 7th) I was up at 5.44am with the second loudest crack-boom of thunder ever. So now that I'm up with everyone and their mother between here and Muncie... it was a little intense.
And I had nothing to do in the morning, so I got up again at 8.44 to read till 11 :D
Amanda and I got together to workout at about 12.30 - I biked - and then we, along with Kyle and Jake, filled Seth's room with balloons :D That was fun, though I think I got a blister and then skinned the blister from tying so many - it hurt and still does.
After, I mostly chilled in the second floor common room. After a while, we watched Tropic Thunder - it's so horrible it's funny :]
Tuesday I spent the morning reading again - I could get used to this :D
Amanda and I got together to workout again, this time I did my interval workout. Afterwards, we went mini golfing with Seth :] That was super fun, it was an indoor place over in Lafayette.
Seth and I got some pizza and watched the new Three Musketeers movie - the one with Matthew McFayden and Orlando Bloom. It wasn't the best movie ever, but I enjoyed it :] After that, we watched Pirates of the Caribbean and the Curse of the Black Pearl. Two movies in a row with Orlando Bloom = happy Carly :D
Wednesday I pretty much just played Kingdom Hearts. I went to the Columbia Park Zoo with Amanda for a bit, but mostly it was Kingdom Hearts all day. Later on in the afternoon (I did eventually stop, this was after that), Amanda and Eric came over for Seth to look at Amanda's computer. Ashlee (Kyle's girlfriend) was over for the weekend and graduation and all, so once Payton joined us with his extra controllers it turned into a Halo party :] However, I missed most of it since Geoff called and if I had stayed he really wouldn't've been able to hear anything I was saying...
Thursday I really had nothing to do all day - I had orientation for catering at 4 in the afternoon, but that was the start of my day really. So I played Kingdom Hearts and read and packed a bit. Yay, boredom...
Then it was orientation time. We learned the dress code and general layout of the behind the scenes places in the Union. Evidently we're not supposed to have excessive jewelry, and I guess 4 rings might be slightly excessive... Heh. When I got back to the house, we had a house dinner and then I hit the road to drive home!
Friday morning I woke up and I was home! :D It's a pretty sweet feeling.
My parents had work and my brother had school, so I spent some time clearing out my desk and bookshelf (otherwise known as my mini library :D ). I decided to turn on The Princess and the Frog in Spanish - I hadn't seen that movie in a while. My mom was working a shorter day, so partway through I stopped to go to lunch and Kohl's with my madre. For work, I needed to get black pants and shoes, so we got some of those. After, we watched Pride and Prejudice and retied my Purdue fleece blanket that was inside out. We both love Pride and Prejudice, and have been wanting to see the 1995 BBC mini-series version, so I got it and we started watching that together. Ricky had a lacrosse game that evening, so we went to that (they lost :[ ) and after we mostly just chilled and watched TV.
Saturday Ricky had a lacrosse tournament all day - 3 games. They got third place too :D That was fun. We went to church that evening, and had Macaroni Grill for dinner, then I watched some more Pride and Prejudice with my mom :D
Sunday it was Mother's Day! And that meant that we were going to the Sox game! :D I was rather excited, even though mom isn't necessarily fond of baseball... :]
It was supposed to be chilly, but we were in the sun the entire time so it was rather toasty. I got a nice tan on my arms though :D And some sweet rubber band and ring tans...
Unfortunately, the Sox lost :[ At least I got to see AJ play :D He didn't start, but they brought him out in the 8th inning.
After the game we went to Heaven on Seven. Yay Louisiana food! My mom and dad and I really enjoyed it, though my brother seemed to not care quite so much - he had ribs while I had beans and rice :]
My mom and I finished up Pride and Prejudice that evening, yay happy endings! :]
Yesterday I washed my car with my dad in the morning, Buckbeak looks so nice again :D He was slightly overdue...
We went to Costco to get some provisions, then I figured I should probably get my stuff together to drive back to school... So I read some more :]
On the drive, I didn't hit too much traffic once I got around the city - the 355 was insane, but thankfully once that branched off of the highway I took it was pretty smooth.
And I made it back safe, though I had work at 8.30 the next morning so I got my stuff put away and went to sleep.
Today I got up at 6.30 and made sure to leave for the Union early so that I could find my way through the labrynth of tunnels that led to where I needed to meet my trainer. And yes, I did get slightly lost... Heh.
We set everything up, and then mostly just cleared things from the tables since it was a buffett style lunch. And hopefully I'll remember all of what I was taught - I tend not to do so well when I'm just thrown all the information I'll ever have to know for the job in one day...
We finished up at 3, and when I got back to the house, I didn't want to get up once I sat down. However, I had to go to Walgreens and Chase so I managed. And now Seth, Payton and I are watching The Emperor's New Groove :D I love this movie, and that's where my title came from.
Tonight, I'm prob going to sleep well - I was on my feet for 6 hours (we got a half hour break to eat - unfortunately the meal was chicken and beef so I had bread, carrots and spuds). Till then, I'm going to read and relax in the second floor common room - it's got an a/c so it's nice and comfy :]

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Ooh, pretty boys :D

So on Monday in between studying and stressing for my Stat final, I had an interview for a job with the Union Catering. And it was nice when I got an email at 5.30 that evening - Carly's got a job! :D
And then there was the final. At least I got a job to make some moneys over the summer.
Tuesday I went to brunch at Wesley and then I needed to turn in paperwork at the union. I needed my birth certificate or social security card, so I had my mom send me a copy of my birth certificate. Then I got to the office and discovered that they need an original. Heh, too bad that's all in Illinois... However, the woman in the office told me that there's a social security building over on Second Street in Lafayette, so I got to take a nice walk :D
Once I was finished with all that, it was Harry Potter movie day in the second floor common room :D I was also on Pottermore brewing potions :]
We had one last family dinner for the year planned out, but then Billy couldn't come because he was sick :[ Jason, Larn, Brent and I still had fun :]
Wednesday I was up before a lot of people, and the early bird gets the TV :] So I got to play some Kingdom Hearts! And then study for a bit, I took yesterday off since my next final wasn't till Friday morning.
So at convention, Larn and I got matching iron-on letters. We decided to make some sweatpants with them, so that afternoon we went to Walmart to get the sweats and then to her place to get an iron. And when I got back to the house, Seth was playing Skyrim. And I got to wear my sweatpants already - it's cold in my spot right next to the air conditioner.
For the past 2 weeks or so, I haven't really been eating because I just haven't been hungry at all - I think I stressed myself into a lack of a appetite. Then, on Wednesday, I ate dinner and realised that I ate three meals that day! I was rather proud of myself.
Thursday was our semester Lord of the Rings study marathon. We started at 9.30, and got free food from Wesley, yay! :D During the first movie, Lisa, Julia and I started a conversation about the cute guys in the movie and it turned into a facebook conversation involving us three, Mariah, Seth and Kyle, all of whom were in the same room. That was funny, and I claimed Legolas :D
For dinner, Seth, Kyle and I split some Domino's pizza, breadsticks and some of those bread bite things. We devoured that in about five minutes, I think we were hungry... :]
And we started at 9.30 in the morning, so at 8.50 Seth and I left... heh. (Kyle had gone to play Ultimate.)
When we got back to the house, Michigan was playing football against Notre Dame - why? We were kinda confused, apparently it was the Big Ten Network's Game of the Week or something. And it was a good game - all the scoring happened in the last quarter. Kyle's a Michigan fan, so he knew he game and was happy to watch it again :]
I had a final at 8 the next morning, and that meant I wanted to get up at 6, so I actually got to sleep before midnight. Crazy, I know :]
Friday I did get up at 6 and did some last minute looking over of my notes before it was test time. It wasn't too bad, and I got to get some more brunch at Wesley :D
Julia and I had been talking about Beastly during Lord of the Rings, so we went over to her room to watch after eating. It's a modern retelling of Beauty and the Beast, and Neil Patrick Harris was hilarious in it :D Not to mention, Alex Pettyfer was rather beautiful ;]
As I walked back to my house from Meredith, everyone was getting ready to leave. And I'm not going to be leaving. It's a very weird feeling...
I had the TV again, so it was time for more Kingdom Hearts! About 3 hours of it :] I switched off with Seth after a while, he wanted to play some Skyrim so I got to watch :]
For a while now, Seth has had these super old and useless computers he's been playing with. We've been planning on bashing them with a sledge hammer, so Friday night Jake, Kyle, Seth and I had a destress computer smash-up. That was fun :D
After, I did some reading while they played Halo - and I had another 8am final the next day so it was bedtime before midnight once more.
Saturday when I woke up I enjoyed complainging a bit about my finals schedule - 2 on Saturday morning! That was half of my finals O.o However, they only took half an hour each, heh. And now I'm halfway done with my undergrad time at college. Wow.
I don't know why I had so much time where no one was using the TV, but I managed to keep being the only one in the room so I played more Kingdom Hearts :D Kyle woke up around 1, when I was going to stop anyway, so I switched out with him and did some reading. I finally finished the two library books I've had on my kindle since February (or so) - so I can get new ones! Yay :D (I couldn't connect to the internet before since then my kindle would realise that the loan on those books was expired.)
At 4, people started coming over to get some food and hang before going to the theater.
And then we went to see The Avengers! I loved the movie! I'm such a geek, but that's ok :] Some of the girls were talking about who is the cutest in the group, the choice was generally between Thor and Captain America. (My vote was Thor, in case you were wondering ;] )
We got back to the house and the three systems of Halo started up. That was intense, there were 8 or 9 people playing.
Those of us who weren't played some Bang! :] And I was obnoxiously tired, so I only played one game before heading up to bed.
Today I got up at my normal time on weekends (8.44) and curled up on a couch to read till about 11. And now I need a new book again (story of my life). I have nothing to do today, so I went for a short interval workout (run/walk for however long a certain amount of times). That was nice.
I cleaned up my room and sorted through my school stuffs while watching Tangled :D And now I'm writing this while watching the end. I don't know what I'm going to do with the rest of my day, maybe I'll go take a walk around Happy Hollow Park (a park up the street I'm on). I guess we'll see what happens :]
-Carly B